Helvetinjärvi Menu
Helvetinjärvi National Park
The information on this page is no longer updated. See up-to-date information: Luontoon.fi.

The landscape here is dominated by geological features created millions of years ago by mighty movements deep in the Earth's crust. After admiring the rugged cliffs around Helvetinjärvi (Hell's Lake) and Helvetinkolu (Hell's Hole) you can relax on the sandy lakeshore at Haukanhieta.
Suitability: Suitable for visitors of all ages all year. Some sections of the trails are challenging due to differences in elevation. Kankimäki and the immediate surroundings of Haukanhieta are accessible if assisted.
The area is managed by Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland.
This is the web page nationalparks.fi/helvetinjarvi