Instructions and Rules in Kevo Strict Nature Reserve

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Kevo Nature Reserve has been established especially for the purposes of nature protection and research. There are two hiking trails in the nature reserve, Kevo Canyon and Kuivi. The area of the Kevo Nature Reserve is also a reindeer herding area which is a part of the Paistunturi reindeer herding cooperative.


When visiting the area, please bear in mind that

Strict nature reserves have been established especially for protecting the nature, and for scientific purposes. Kevo Strict Nature Reserve is also located in the reindeer herding area, which belongs to the local herding co-operative of Paistunturi.

Kevo Trail and Kuivi Trail are both within Kevo Strict Nature Reserve. Hiking is only permitted on marked trails in the strict nature reserve. Building campfires and camping are only permitted at points designated for those purposes. Pets are not allowed to run free, they must be kept leashed.

In Kevo Strict Nature Reserve, the following are


  • In the summer, moving is allowed only on marked trails, in the canyon area during 15.6. - 15.10 and in the fell area during 1.5. - 15.10. In the winter, skiing is allowed everywhere in the fell area during 16.10. - 30.4., and in the canyon area during 16.10. - 31.3.
    • Notice, that it is completely forbidden enter the canyon area during 1.4. - 14.6.
  • Campfire and camping are only allowed at sites marked for this purpose.


  • Moving in the canyon area 1.4. - 14.6.
  • Picking berries and mushrooms,
  • Angling and ice fishing,
  • Lighting campfires if the forest fire warning is in effect,
  • Pets running at large,
  • Taking or damaging trees, bushes, other plants or their parts,
  • Damaging soil or rock, and extraction of earth material or minerals,
  • Killing, catching or disturbing wild vertebrates, or damaging their nests,
  • Catching or collecting invertebrates,
  • Driving motor vehicles or bicycles,
  • Leaving waste in the area, or damaging constructions.

There are special regulations regarding reindeer herding, fishing and hunting, which apply only to local residents in the strict nature reserve.


Kevo Strict Nature Reserve is a reindeer herding area. There are fences around the boundaries of the reindeer herding co-operatives. They are difficult to get across and hikers should use gates and bridges built for that purpose. Gates and bridges have been built along the trail. It is important that hikers remember to close gates after having passed through them. If a herder and his herd come your way it is best to stay out of the way and not disturb them. Either move out of sight or stay still where you are.

For more information about the rules and regulations in the strict nature reserve, please contact the Ivalo Customer Service of Metsähallitus.


Mobile Phone Coverage

  • Although Finland has a broad network for mobile phones, there are some areas in the Kevo Strict Nature Reserve without signal. There may also be some smaller spots where there is interference. If this happens try to climb to a higher place or go into an open area. It may be worth removing the SIM card from your phone and then trying again to make emergency call. Different phones also differ in their coverage.
  • We recommend that you keep your mobile phone warm at all times and take along food and drink. Certain phone models do not work when the temperature falls below zero. You should therefore let someone know your planned route. To keep your mobile phone charged, bring along a spare power source, a spare battery or an old phone with a working battery.

A Considerate Hiker

Equipment and Safety

  • The Kevo Canyon is a demanding hiking destination, so you need adequate equipment. Because of the fell area we strongly recommend that you have sturdy footwear and warm, windproof clothing with you. A tent is necessary, because there are only two open wilderness huts inside the strict nature reserve.
  • Along the trail, you will have to wade across the River Kevojoki three times and across the River Fiellujoki once. Light rubber sole shoes are good wading shoes, because that way you can get a firm hold on the bottom of the river. Also if your rucksack has a belt which goes around your waist, open the belt. This way you can remove your rucksack quickly and get out of the water faster if need be.
  • One of the trail's most difficult climbs is on the Tapiola Goahti - Beahcelávojávrrit section. The climb is up an almost vertical rock wall, where there are a few built steps to assist you. The trail then continues along a cliff edge. There is a rope handrail to assist hikers. Especially during rain the rocks on the cliffs are slippery, so hikers should be exceptionally cautious.
  • There are large climbs and inclines are several places along Kevo Trail. These may prove to be unpleasant for someone who has a fear of heights.
  • If you face an emergency on your hike, e.g. get lost, get injured or observe wildfire, call 112 and report an emergency. More information on how to act in an emergency.
  • Make sure you pack a first-aid kit.
  • Hiking in Finland:

Peak Seasons

  • Hiking the Kevo Trail takes about 3 - 4 days. "Ruska" means the beautiful autumn colours, which can be seen for two or three weeks. This is the most popular time to visit the strict nature reserve, and well as the late summer. "In Kevo Strict Nature Reserve, the ‘ruska' begins on the 10th of September at 2 pm ± 5 days." This was the definition by Paavo Kallio, the late professor of botany in the University of Turku, and the founder of the subarctic research station in Kevo.
  • The best time for hiking in the area begins in the last week of June and ends around the middle of September. For the most part snows in the area have melted by May already, but ravines can be snowy and slippery up until the end of June. Trails in the area are wet and susceptible to wear up to the end of June. Erosion of terrain is a continuously growing problem. Hiking trips done before the end of June cause the most damage to the terrain because it is damp and soft. Therefore we recommend that you visit the area after June.
  • Gnats arrive in the area usually in late June. In the open fells it is windy enough that the pests keep at bay, so when in the fell area hikers can usually enjoy their hikes without being disturbed by insects. The räkkä season, which is when pesky insects invade the area, is over by late August. Especially on warm nights in early autumn mosquitoes can appear in swarms to the annoyance of hikers sitting around campfires.


  • Dogs are to be kept on lead inside the strict nature reserve, and they are not allowed into open wilderness huts.

Kevo Trail Camping

From North to South:
(overnight stays)

Silkeája (2,5 km)
Guoikgáhritája (3,5 km)
Beahcelávojávrrit (5 km)
Njaggaleapme (8 km)
Gamajotnsuohpášája (4,5 km)
Roajášjávri (9,5 km)
Fiellogahjohka (6,5 km)
Suohpášája (11,5 km)
Ruktajávri at (10 km)
Luopmošjohka (2 km)


Kuivi Trail Camping

Trail Sections Sulaoja - Guivi - Sulaoja

Luopmošjohka (2 km)
Ruktajávri (10 km)
Njávgoaivi (6 km)
Áhkojoga gámme (7,5 km)
Kuivi open wilderness hut (10 km)
Fiellogahjohka (13 km)
Suohpášája (6,5 km)
Ruktajávri (11,5 km)
Luopmošjohka (10 km)
Suttesája (2 km)

112 Emergency Number

If you have an emergency during your trip, such as getting lost, injured or finding a wildfire, call 112. Read more detailed emergency instructions.

Download the 112 Finland application ( to your phone. When an emergency call is made through the 112 Finland application, the emergency centre attendant is automatically informed of the caller's location.

It is recommended to keep the mobile phone warm and to bring extra food and water with you. There are many excursion locations with no mobile coverage and some mobile phones does not work in sub-zero temperatures, that is why it is always a good idea to let someone know about your itinerary and timetable.

Outdoor Etiquette

A cartoon picture of a family walking on a summer path.

1. Respect nature.

2. Mainly use marked trails.

3. Camp only where it is allowed.

4. Light your campfire only where it is allowed.

5. Do not litter.

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