The Rahja archipelago is located on the borders of North and South Ostrobothnia, some 50 kilometres from Kokkola, in the direction of Oulu.

By Boat
The islands are only accessible by water as there are no land connections from the mainland to the archipelago.
- Boat landing sites in the Rahja area
- You can drive to the information points in the mainland boat harbours from Road no. 8, which runs along the coast.
- The distance from Rahja to Kalajoki is about 12 km.
In winter, you can also ski to the islands.
![Rahjan kartta]()
Other maps
- Terrain map / Maastokartat Q421 Lohtaja, Q422 Kalajoki, 1:50 000.
- Basic maps / Peruskartat / maastokartat numbers 2413 05+02, 2413 08, 1:20 000.
- Coastal map / Rannikkokartta number 53 Ohtakari-Kalajoki, 1:50 000.
- Sea map / Merikarttasarja F Merenkurkku, 1:50 000.
- Sea map / Merikarttasarja G Perämeri, 1:50 000.
- Hiking map / Retkeily GT Länsi-Suomi, 2015 1: 250 000.
- Road map / GT tiekartta Länsi-Suomi, 2010, 1:250 000.