Karhunkierros Trail Menu
Karhunkierros Trail
The information on this page is no longer updated. See up-to-date information: Luontoon.fi.
The information on this page is no longer updated. See up-to-date information: Luontoon.fi.
It's slippery out there! The trails currently have more ice than snow, and the unstable weather has made them extremely slippery and hazardous. Obtain or rent sharp ice grippers with spikes and use them while hiking. Trekking poles are also a great aid for your winter adventure.

Finland's most popular hiking trail, the legendary Karhunkierros Trail (also know as The Bear's Trail or The Bear's Ring), takes you to Oulanka's best locations by the roaring waters. The Karhunkierros Trail offers hikers many sights and many sweat-breaking kilometres. Thanks to route alternatives, the trail is also suitable for day trips. Part of the trail is also suitable for canoeing. This trail must be done at least once in lifetime!
#karhunkierros #oulankanationalpark

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Level of Difficulty
The difficulty of Karhunkierros and tips for hiking.
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The destination is managed by Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland and the city of Kuusamo (in Finnish, kuusamo.fi).
This is the web page nationalparks.fi/karhunkierros