Paistunturi Wilderness Area Directions and Maps

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Paistunturi Wilderness Area is located in the very northern end of the Northern Lapland. On its northern and western side is the valley of the River Tenojoki, on the eastern side of the area runs the main road 4 and on the southern side the road 92 to Karigasniemi.


By Car

  • The main road 4 from the northern side of the village of Kaamanen to Utsjoki runs on the eastern side of the wilderness area.
  • To get to the southern and the eastern side, drive on the road 92 (Kaamanen - Karigasniemi).
  • The road 970 (from Utsjoki to Karigasniemi), which follows the course of the River Tenojoki, runs on the northern and the western side of the wilderness area.
  • There is no official car relocation service, but you can ask taxi drivers and companies offering services for tourists.
  • Driving directions to Siida.

By Public Transportation

  • To the eastern part of the area, there is a coach service from Inari and Utsjoki (local service Ivalo-Nuorgam, express services Rovaniemi - Tana/Vadsö and from Utsjoki direction on the return of this service). Timetables ( From the village of Utsjoki, it is about 5 km to the wilderness area.
  • To the southern part of the area, there is a coach connection from Inari (local services Ivalo - Karigasniemi, Oulu - Karasjoki). If coming from Utsjoki (express service Vadsö/Tana - Rovaniemi and local service Nuorgam - Ivalo), you need to change at Kaamanen to the coach coming from Inari. Timetables ( A good place to get off is, for example, at Sulaoja, about 10 km before Karigasniemi, where the Kevo Trail starts. From Sulaoja, it is about 5 km to the wilderness area.
  • To get to the western and the northern side of the area, you need to take a taxi from Utsjoki or Karigasniemi. From the road 970 (Karigasniemi - Utsjoki), the distance to the wilderness area is 2 - 10 km.
  • provides information on public transportation to Paistunturi (

Starting Points for Excursions

  • Parking areas are located in the Utsjoki village  (address: Miessipolku 4), next to Mantojärvi Church (northeastern side, information board), at Lake Kenesjärvi (northeastern side, information board) and at Sulaoja (southeastern side, information board).
  • Starting Points for Trails



Other Maps

  • Utsjoki Kevo Paistunturit, waterresistant outdoor map  1:50 000. Karttakeskus 2021. 
  • Kevo Paistunturit, waterproof outdoor map, 1:25 000, 1:50 000, Calazo 2020.
  • Maastokartat: Terrain maps nos X433, X434, W443 and W444, 1:50 000, National Land Survey of Finland 2008 - 2009.
  • Outdoor GT Northern Finland, 2016, 1:400 000. 

A hand holding a mobile phone showing Open the map of Paistunturi in

Parking Areas

  • Miessipolku 2, Utsjoki
  • Utsjoentie road 4 (E75), Mantojärvi
  • Utsjoentie road 4 (E75), Kenesjärvi
  • Karigasniementie road 92, Sulaoja

More precise parking area addresses are not available. Parking area addresses are in Finnish to be used in navigators.