Tuntsa Wilderness Area Directions and Maps

The information on this page is no longer updated. See up-to-date information: Luontoon.fi.

Tuntsa Wilderness Area is located between the Savukoski - Tulppio road and the Salla - Tulppio road. The nearest villages are Savukoski and Salla. The nearest railway station is in Kemijärvi. The nearest airport is in Rovaniemi.

Starting points to excursions

  • From Tulppio, Savukoski, one can hike to Tuntsa Wilderness Area along UKK hiking trail. The hiking distance from Tulppio to the border of the Wilderness Area is around 10 kilometres. The UKK trail continues through Tuntsa to Naruska and further south through the municipality of Salla.
  • From the direction of Salla one can head off to a trail from e.g. Auermavaarankuusikko. The UKK trail leads north via Tuntsa Wilderness area to Tulppio, from where the route continues to Nuortti Hiking Trail start point at Haukijärvenoja parking area.
  • Services in the areas of Tuntsa/Naruska are offered by local entrepreneurs.

By bus, train and taxi by invite to Tuntsa

By Car

Please note that the roads (965 Savukoski and Naruskantie Salla) are mainly gravel roads, the road condition may be poor especially in the spring time.

Please note in the winter time that your car is not on the way of snow plough when parking the car. There are no official parking areas in the area.

  • From Salla direction:
    • Turn off of road 965 (Salla - Savukoski) near the village of Särkelä onto the road Naruskantie leading to Tuntsa. There is a sign at the intersection which reads: Naruskajärvi 45 km. From Lake Naruskajärvi it is still a 30 km drive to the village of Tuntsa near the boundary of the wilderness area. There is a dense network of forest roads in the area so it is possible to get even closer to the wilderness area. A popular place to park cars is at Auermavaarankuusikko, 18 km from Naruskajärvi in the direction of Tuntsa. It is not an official parking area though. At Auermavaarankuusikko the UKK Trail crosses the Naruska - Tuntsa road. The road is cleared of snow only up to Naruskajärvi.
  • From Savukoski direction: Take road 9671 from Savukoski village towards Sokli and drive 90 km in the direction of Tulppio. You can also continue by car along a forest road network closer to the boundary. The forest roads are shown on the Savukoski - Tuntsa outdoor map. For example Tulppionkaitavaara Fell, the north end of Turjalainen and Ahmatunturi Fell may be reached by car during summer. The roads can be in poor condition. Snow is cleared from road 9671 up to Ainijärvi frontier guard station. The road ends at the station, which is 15 km from Tulppio.
  • Hikers can get to Tulppio by travelling along the UKK Hiking Trail. From Tulppio the trail continues onward to the starting point for Nuortti Hiking Trail at Haukijärvenoja parking area.
  • Driving directions to Pyhä-Luosto Visitor Centre Naava.
  • Driving directions to Savukoski Visitor Centre Korvatunturi.



Other maps

  • Kemihaara Tuntsa Värriö waterproof map 1:50 000, Calazo 2022.
  • Tuntsa Naruska Tulppio Waterproof Topographic Map, 1:50 000, Karttakeskus 2020. 
  • Salla Savukoski Waterproof Outdoor Map 1:100 000, Karttakeskus 2016. 
  • Sallan osoite- ja virkistyskartta: Salla address and recreation map, 1:100 000, Maanmittauslaitos 2004. 
  • Maastokartta: Terrain maps U541 Tuntsa and U542 Nuorttitunturi, 1:50 000.
  • Outdoor GT Northern Finland, 2016, 1:400 000. 
  • Forest map 12-14, 1:250 000, Metsähallitus 2011. 

A hand holding a mobile phone showing Excursionmap.fi. Open the map of Tuntsa in Excursionmap.fi.

Parking Areas

  • Forest roads near the area

There are no designated parking areas for hikers.