Vätsäri Wilderness Area Directions and Maps

The information on this page is no longer updated. See up-to-date information: Luontoon.fi.

Vätsäri Wilderness Area is located behind Lake Inarijärvi, on the eastern side of the main road 4 (E75) from Ivalo to Kaamanen.


By Car

  • Vätsäri Wilderness Area is located in the municipality of Inari, on the eastern side of Lake Inarijärvi. Road 971 from Kaamanen via Näätämö to Norway (120 km) runs along the northern shore of Lake Inarijärvi. The villages of Partakko, Sevettijärvi and Näätämö are located along the road. Road 969 from Ivalo to the village of Nellim goes to the southern side of the area. From Nellim, the road continues towards Kessi, and after the bridge over the River Paatsjoki it turns into a forest road, which ends a bit before Lake Kessijärvi.
  • Driving directions to Siida.

By Public Transportation

Starting Points for Excursions

  • The villages of Nellim, Sevettijärvi and Näätämö are good starting places.
  • For boaters, the villages of Partakko and Nellim are recommended, because there are boat launch places in both. There are boat launch places also on the shores of Lake Inarijärvi. Boat harbours are in Inari, Veskoniemi and Nellim.


Elecronic maps

Other Maps

  • Inarijärvi Vätsäri Tsarmitunturi, 1:25 000 ja 1:100 000 waterproof watermap. Calazo 2021.
  • Vätsäri Kessi Øvre Pasvik waterproof topographic map, 1:50 000, Karttakeskus 2020. 
  • Sevettijärvi Nuorgam Outdoor Map, 1:100 000, Karttakeskus 2014. 
  • Inarin osoite- ja virkistyskartta: Address and recreation map of Inari, 1:150 000, Lapland District Survey Office 2013. 
  • Outdoor GT Northern Finland, 2016, 1:400 000. 
  • Maastokartat: Terrain maps nos W512, W514 and W523, 1:50 000, National Land Survey of Finland 2008 - 2009. 
  • Inarijärven veneilykartta: Lake Inarijärvi boating map, 1:50 000, Finnish Maritime Administration 2012. 

A hand holding a mobile phone showing Excursionmap.fi. Open the map of Vätsäri wilderness area in Excursionmap.fi.

Parking Areas

  • Kessintie
  • Sevettijärventie road 971, Sevettijärvi
  • Sevettijärventie road 971, Näätämö

More precise parking area addresses are not available. Parking area addresses are in Finnish to be used in navigators.