World Heritage Gateway - The Visitor Center of the Kvarken Archipelago World Heritage area

Welcome to the World Heritage Gateway - The Visitor Center of the Kvarken Archipelago World Heritage area
World Heritage Gateway offers information on the World Heritage of Kvarken Archipelahgo. In this information point next to the Bridge of Replot (Raippaluoto) you will get information about the sights of the area, different hiking trails as well as diverse cruises and treks held during the summer. You will also receive information about the upcoming events in the area.
Suitability: Ideal for the whole family. World Heritage Gateway is accessible throughout and has an accessible toilet. Pets are permitted in the exhibition.
Contact Information: Address: World Heritage Gateway, Replotvägen 2, 65800 Korsholm (Raippaluodontie 2 65800 Mustasaari), Finland Tel. int: +358 50 346 6200, E-mail: info(at)
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