Koli Nature Centre Ukko

Welcome to Koli Nature Centre Ukko
The Koli Nature Centre Ukko offers Finland's best known national landscape, the hills of Eastern Finland and heritage sites. The Koli Heritage Exhibition displays Koli's geological features, natural environment and culture in a variety of ways and provides advice and tips for hiking in the Koli National Park. The Nature Centre is only a few hundred metres from the Ukko-Koli lookout point – one glimpse of the national landscape and you will be captivated by Koli forever.
#Kolinationalpark #Kolinaturecentreukko
Opening hours 2021
Mon–Sat 10am–5pm
Sun 10am–3pm
Mon–Sat 10am–7pm
Sun 10am–5pm
Mon–Sat 10am–5pm
Sun 10am–3pm
24.12.2020 open 10am–2pm
25.–26.12.2020 open 10am–3pm
We reserve the rights to changes.
Please check possible exceptions to opening hours of Café Eväsretket (kalastusretket.fi) and Koli Shop Retkitupa (feelkoli.fi).
Contact Information
Address: Ylä-Kolintie 39, 83960 Koli (Lieksa), Finland
Telephone: +358 40 773 2442
E-mail (general customer service): ukko(at)retkipaikka.fi
E-mail (sales, guidances, conference packages, shop): kauppa(at)retkipaikka.fi
Website: Koli Nature Centre Ukko (ukko.retkipaikka.fi)
Location: Koli, Lieksa, Koli National Park. Read more
Arrival: By car and public transportation. Read more
Visit: Opening hours vary seasonally.
Things to Do and See: Hiking Point is situated in entrace lobby. At Hiking Point you can learn basics of hiking in Finland and information about trails in Koli National Park. You can also find information from other nature destinations in Karelia Biosphere Area: Petkeljärvi- and Patvinsuo Natinal Parks and Ruunaa Hiking Area. Visiting Hiking Point and temporay exhibitions are free of charge. Permanent exhibition entrance ticket 6€ adult / 3€ child. Guided tours are subject to a fee and require booking. Read more
Cafe Eväsretket serves local delicacies.
See more: The Koli Heritage Exhibition, temporary exhibitions, Read more
Suitability: Suitable for visitors of all ages and visitors with mobility difficulties, for groups, families or individual visitors. Also pets are welcome.
Services: Hiking information services, guided tours in the Koli Heritage Exhibition, Nature Centre shop, bookings for auditorium Vaarasali and Café Eväsretket Read more
The Nature Centre is managed by Metsähallitus.
This is the web page nationalparks.fi/kolinaturecentre