Maps of Kevo Strict Nature Reserve
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Other Maps is a free map service provided by Metsähallitus. It can be used to search destinations, choose map layers and print maps.
Printed Maps
- Utsjoki Kevo Paistunturit, water resistant map, 1:50 000, Karttakeskus 2021.
- Kevo Paistunturit, waterproof map, 1:25 000, 1:50 000, Calazo 2020.
- Retkeily GT Pohjois-Suomi: GT Outdoor map Finland North, 1:400 000, Karttakeskus 2016.
- Maastokartat: Terrain maps nos W444 and X433, 1:50 000, The National Land Survey of Finland 2008-2009.