Kylmäluoma Hiking Area

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Four snowshoers in the aerial view are walking from a log cabin across a snowy pond.

The drawn emblem of Kylmäluoma. Depicted inside the oval emblem is a fisherman standing in water to his waist with a jumping fish on the hook. The text Kylmäluoma hiking area in Finnish and Swedish wraps around the outer edge of the emblem.
Kylmäluoma has about 90 clear-watered lakes and ponds well stocked with fish, making it a perfect destination for fishing fanatics and families alike. While walking along Kylmäluoma's many scenic trails listen out for the haunting calls of red-throated and black-throated divers echoing across the lakes.

Suitability: Excellent for families with children. The Kylmäluoma camping ground is accessible.

The area is managed by Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland.

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