Petkeljärvi National Park

Pine-clad esker ridges formed during the Ice Age rise over pristine blue lakes in this beautiful part of Finland's eastern borderlands, well worth a day trip or a longer stay. Don't miss the lively and picturesque old Karelian village of Möhkö near the park. The colourful history of the area during World War Two is also of interest.
Suitability: Suitable for visitors of all ages all year. The Petkeljärvi Outdoor Centre and its immediate surroundings are accessible.

Customer Service
Petkeljärvi Nature Information Hut
Tel int. + 358 41436 1790
Koli Nature Centre Ukko
Tel. int. +358 407732442, ukko(at)
The area is managed by Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland.
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