Linnansaari National Park
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Linnansaari, in the heart of the Finnish Lake District, is an ideal place to spot rare lake seals and majestic ospreys. The waters of the park are dotted with lush green islands and rocky islets. At Linnansaari Croft traditional slash-and-burn farming practices are preserved. The lakeland scenery is a delight all year round. A boat service takes trippers to the main island during the summer. Longer lake cruises set off from the nearby historic town of Savonlinna.
Suitability: Suitable for visitors of all ages and all conditions, in summer and during the skating season. There is a trail from Sammakkoniemi Camping to Linnansaari Croft (0,7 km) on the main island which is accessible by wheelchair, but assistance is needed. Also there is an accessible dry toilet at Sammakkoniemi.

Customer Service
The area is managed by Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland.
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