Pyhä-Luosto Trail Route Description
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Starting points for Excursions
You can take the Pyhä-Luosto Trail from north to south or vice versa, and you can choose the section that is most suitable for you.
- The most important starting and finishing points are the Luosto and Pyhä resorts and the Pyhä-Luosto Visitor and Culture Centre Naava. There´s also a starting point to the longer hike at Vaisko village along the Main Road 4.
- You can also set off for the Pyhä-Luosto Trail from Rykimäkero or via Huttujärvi road.

Trail Sections
The Pyhä-Luosto Trail is not a circle trail. It can be divided into sections on the basis of the locations of the rest spots.
- The Main Road 4, Vaisko village (Käyräsvaara) – Yli-Luosto 6 km
- Yli-Luosto – Ukko-Luosto 13 km
- Ukko-Luosto – Huttujärvi 17-19 km
- Huttujärvi – Pyhä 13 km
- Read a more detailed description of the summer trail.
- The cross-country skiing trail network ( in the area is used as a winter trail. Part of the network is located within Pyhä-Luosto National Park. Snowshoes are also suitable for winter excursions if you are an experienced explorer.
Trail Markings
From Luosto village centre, the trail is marked with yellow squares on trees. The trail follows also partly along the national parks shorter marked trails which are marked according to the trail colour. There are signposts along the trail at the crossroads. On the Yli-Luosto part of the trail between the northest starting point (Vaisko / Käyräsvaara) and Luostonloma, the trail has been marked with wooden poles with orange signs.