Accessible Trails
Vikaköngäs Shore Trail, 200 m / each way
When the ground is unfrozen, duration 10 min
Category: an easy trail
, a demanding accessible nature trail 
From this accessible shore trail you can also catch fish.

Starting Point
Coordinates: WGS84 lat: 66° 37.1542' lon: 26° 11.0054'
ETRS-TM35FIN P: 7389171 m I: 463840 m
The gushing Vikaköngäs Rapids in different seasons and fishing from the pier located close to the lean-to shelter area.
Driving instructions
The turn to the parking area is located along Road 4 from Rovaniemi to Sodankylä, near Vikajärvi village. Winter maintenance.
There are several parking areas along the road leading to the lean-to shelter yard, and there is room for drop-off transportation. The parking spaces are not marked, and there are no designated accessible parking spaces in the area. The parking area surface is uneven.
Trail description
The Vikaköngäs Shore Trail runs between the hanging bridge over Vikaköngäs Rapids and the pier along Vikaköngäs in the immediate vicinity of the parking area, in the direction of the rapids. The lean-to shelter yard is located approximately halfway along the trail, and it can be accessed directly from the parking area. Vikaköngäs is also a suitable destination for children, as the shore route and lean-to shelter yard are easily accessible by pram.
There are four routes to the shore trail:
- The most even route is at the end of the trail after the highway intersection, close to the latrine and pier.
- The trail can also be accessed from the hanging bridge after the highway intersection at the beginning of the trail. This route is very uneven.
- A straight path passes through the shelter to the hanging bridge. The wooden floor in the shelter is in poor condition.
- You can access the lean-to shelter yard directly by following a route that goes through another shelter. The sheds are located along this route, and after reaching this point, there is a 13% incline to the lean-to shelter yard.
The length of the accessible trail is 200 m. The surface material of the trail is rough, loose gravel.
The width of the path is around 2 m. There are no trail markings along the shore trail. The trail is surrounded by rocks of different sizes on the riverside. At both ends of the trail, there are large stones blocking the road in the middle of the path. The trail’s upper barriers consist of individual branches along the edges of the path.
The second shelter includes signs for visitors. There are signposts at the ends of the shore trail.
Hiking structures
The hanging bridge is located at the end of the shore trail that is nearest the highway.
The lean-to shelter yard is located along the trail by the second shelter. The lean-to shelter yard includes two lean-to shelters and campfire sites. The surface material of the lean-to shelter yard consists of fine and coarse gravel. The lean-to shelter yard slopes towards the river with an approx. 6% incline.
The sheds are located on a small hill along the road from the lean-to shelter yard to the parking area, and there is a 13% incline from the lean-to shelter yard to the sheds. The sheds include thresholds. The toilet is located at the end of the trail. If you arrive from the highway intersection, it is located at the other end of the trail. The front of the toilet is not fully level and features small holes, so it is not fully accessible. A recycling point is located in the vicinity of the toilet. The pier is located in the vicinity of the toilet. The path to the pier is even.
Please note
While there is no winter maintenance on the trail, the Vikaköngäs lean-to shelter yard is accessible in winter.
Könkäänsaari Accessible Nature Trail, 1,5 km, circle trail
Open throughout the year, duration 1 h, circle trail
Category: an easy trail
, a demanding accessible nature trail 
Along the most popular nature trail in the area, you can spot a rich assortment of plant and animal species on the lush river islands.

Starting Point
Address: Vaattunkiköngäs parking area (, Vaattunkikönkääntie 219, 96900 Vikajärvi
Coordinates: WGS84 lat: 66° 35.7258' lon: 26° 7.1511'
ETRS-TM35FIN P: 7386556 m I: 460958 m
Hiking Structures
An accessible toilet with a septic tank and a recycling point in the Vaattunkiköngäs parking area. Könkäänsaari lean-to shelters (two), campfire site, accessible dry toilet, jetty.

The gushing Vaattunkiköngäs Rapids and the rich assortment of plant and animal species on the lush islands of the River Raudanjoki provide an impressive experience for hikers, especially in summer.
Trail Description
The Könkäänsaari Accessible Nature Trail starts from the Vaattunkiköngäs parking area. It is particularly well suited for families with children. Along the nature trail, you will find information boards that tell little stories on what happens in the river area in different seasons and what bugs live in decaying tree trunks that have fallen by the duckboards. There are also tips on identifying the most common bird species. The recommended direction of the trail is clockwise.
After setting off from the Vaattunkiköngäs gate, you will arrive at a hanging bridge that runs across the Vaattunkiköngäs Rapids. From the starting point of the trail to the hanging bridge, there is a gravel section for 250 meters. On the sides of the path there are 13 cm wooden kickboards. The trail has a slight slope, and the longitudinal gradient is mostly less than 6 % and the lateral gradient is less than 4 %. For a short distance, the lateral slope of the route is 8 % on one side of the route, which can make it difficult to move with wheels. Before the bridge, the trail rises for 9 meters with a 4,5 % longitudinal gradient, and the last meter before the bridge is about a 13 % gradient, with a lateral gradient of less than 4 %. The rise to the middle stages of the hanging bridge is 6 % and the maximum slope is 13 % to the beginning of the circle trail.
After the hanging bridge, the trail continues to the left through a lush shore forest, and after about 400 metres, you will arrive at a bridge and an intersection. From the intersection, continue to the right (away from the bridge), and soon you will reach the Könkäänsaari lean-to shelters. The circle trail continues after the hanging bridge as 1,2 m wide crosswise duckboards with 7 cm kickboards. Along the circle trail there are bypass- or rest stops (about every 15-40 meters). The crosswise duckboards are mainly flat but the largest longitudinal gradients on the trail are 13 % for short distances on the bridge and 15 % before the crossing to Kielosaari trail.
When you come to the rest stop area, there is a trail to the landscape jetty on the left side, which is 40 meters from the trail. When going to the shore, there is a maximum longitudinal slope of 7,5 %, but mainly the slope is 2–6 %. The jetty has railings at a height of 55 cm and 95 cm and edge barriers around.
The rest stop area has two campfire sites with lean-to shelters and a firewood storage shed. The surroundings of the lean-to shelters and the jetty in the vicinity are accessible. The firewood storage shed is located 10 m away from both campfire sites. In front of the shed there is a meter-long ramp with a 9 % longitudinal slope. The accessible toilet is located 50 m from the rest area. There is a ramp in front of the toilet, with a maximum gradient of 5,5 %.
From the rest stop area, it is about 800 m to the beginning of the circle trail. The trail is mostly flat, and the lateral gradient is less than 4% for the rest of the trail for short distances. The longitudinal slope is mostly less than 5% for short distances, but the steepest slope is 10 % at approx. 1 km from the trail.
Please Note
The trail is suitable for snowshoeing in winter, but there is no winter maintenance. In spring and early summer, the trail may not be available, due to floods. Könkäänsaari island is being prepared to be made in a nature conservation area because of it's precious nature. So please respect nature, don't damage plants or animals, or trash.
Easy Trails
Kielosaari Plant and Fungus Trail, 200 m, circle trail, (total 0,9 km)
![Accessible toilet. Accessible toilet symbol.]()
Open throughout the year, duration 0,5 h
Category: an easy trail 
On this short nature trail, you can enjoy lush vegetation and a rich variety of fungi.

Starting Point
Address: Vaattunkiköngäs parking area (, Vaattunkikönkääntie 219, 96900 Vikajärvi
Coordinates: WGS84 lat: 66° 35.7258' lon: 26° 7.1511'
ETRS-TM35FIN P: 7386556 m I: 460958 m
Hiking Structures
An accessible toilet with a septic tank and a recycling point in the Vaattunkiköngäs parking area. Könkäänsaari lean-to's (two lean-to's), campfire site, accessible dry toilet, jetty, Karhukumpu lean-to and dry toilet.
Along this short nature trail, you can enjoy the lush vegetation and rich variety of fungi on Kielosaari Island.
Trail Description
The starting point for the Kielosaari Plant and Fungus Trail is located on Kielosaari Island, next to Könkäänsaari Island. The distance to the trail's starting point from the Vaattunkiköngäs parking area is about 0.7 km along the Könkäänsaari Accessible Nature Trail. After the Könkäänsaari lean-to shelter, the trail runs along the Könkäiden polku Trail across the Kielosaari bridge. The Plant and Fungus Trail is a 200 metre-long nature trail on Kielosaari Island. It introduces the lush vegetation and wide variety of fungi that thrive on the island. The trail has duckboards, and it returns to the Könkäiden polku Trail. You can use the following rest spots: the Könkäänsaari lean-to shelter area and the Karhukumpu lean-to shelter, which is located slightly further along the Könkäiden polku Trail.
Please Note
The trail is not maintained in winter. In spring and early summer, the trail may not be available, due to floods.
Mire Trail, 7 km, circle trail, (total 9 km)
Open throughout the year, duration 2 h
Category: an easy trail 
Experience the versatile Vianaapa nature with its poor fens, pine mires and spruce mires.
Starting Point
Address: Vaattunkiköngäs parking area (, Vaattunkikönkääntie 219, 96900 Vikajärvi
Coordinates: WGS84 lat: 66° 35.7258' lon: 26° 7.1511'
ETRS-TM35FIN P: 7386556 m I: 460958 m
Hiking Structures
Karhukumpu lean-to and dry toilet, Säynäjäojan lean-to and dry toilet and Vianaavan birdwatching tower.
The versatile mire landscape of Vianaapa with its poor fens, pine mires and spruce mires. The banks of the Säynäjäoja stream are ideal for birdwatching in early summer. There is also a birdwatching tower along the trail.
Trail Description
The Mire Nature Trail presents the versatile mire landscape of Vianaapa. The trail (most of the trail has duckboards) is a circle trail whose starting and ending points are located by the Karhukumpu lean-to shelter. You can set off for the Karhukumpu lean-to shelter from the Vaattunkiköngäs parking area. The distance is about one kilometre. When setting off from the parking area, the trail is nine kilometres long. The trail runs across poor fens, pine mires, spruce mires and forest islets. It introduces some peatland types as well as plant and animal species that are characteristic of northern Ostrobothnia. The Säynäjäoja lean-to shelter is located midway between the trail and the Vianaapa birdwatching tower on the open mire area of Vianaapa. In winter, the trail is suitable for independent skiing, but there is no maintained skiing trail.
Please Note
The duckboards in poor condition from Säynäjäoja lean-to-shelter approximately 700 meters towards Vianaapa birdwatching tower have been removed. This part of the trail is not closed, but it might be wet and challenging to pass. On this trail, we recommend to wear waterproof shoes. In spring and early summer, the trail may not be available, due to floods. In addition to hiking, the trail is suitable for independent skiing in winter (no maintained skiing trail).
Other Hiking Trails 0-10 km
Könkäänvaara Trail, 2,7 km / each way
Open throughout the year, duration 1 h
Category: a medium level trail 
Splendid views from the top of Könkäänvaara hill.
Coordinates: WGS84 lat: 66° 36.4148' lon: 26° 5.7228'
ETRS-TM35FIN P: 7387851m I: 459921m
Hiking Structures
A table and benches on the top of Könkäänvaara Hill and an accessible toilet with a septic tank and a recycling point in the Vaattunkiköngäs parking area.
Splendid views from the top of Könkäänvaara Hill.
Trail Description
The Könkäänvaara Trail connects the Vaattunkiköngäs and Makialampi parking areas to each other, and you can start the trail from either parking area. When setting off from the Makialampi parking area, the distance to the top of the wooded hill is shorter, only 0.8 km. Gorgeous views open out from the top of the wooded hill, where a table and benches are provided. You can return to the Makialampi parking area when the distance comes to about 2 km, or you can continue to the Vaattunkiköngäs parking area when the distance is 2.7 km. This intermediate trail runs on a stony and rocky terrain on the top of Könkäänvaara Hill, so the terrain can be slippery in rainy weather. Part of the trail runs in young forest, but an old pine forest grows on the top of Könkäänvaara Hill. You can follow the trail by snowshoe in winter.
Please Note
Some of the trail markings are unclear. In rainy weather, the rocky trail can be slippery. The trail is suitable for snowshoeing in winter, but there is no winter maintenance along the trail.
Pikkurompa Trail, 4,5 km, circle trail
Open throughout the year, duration 2 h
Category: a medium level trail

Admire the old-growth forests of Sortovaara hill and walk trough an aapa mire.
Starting Point
Coordinates: WGS84 lat: 66° 36.4148' lon: 26° 5.7228'
ETRS-TM35FIN P: 7387851m I: 459921m
Hiking Structures
Sortovaara Lapp ‘kota' hut, a spring, a dry toilet.
The old-growth forests of Sortovaara, almost in their natural state, and a spring close to the Sortovaara Lapp ‘kota' hut.
Trail Description
The Pikkurompa Trail takes you to the old-growth forests of Sortovaara, almost in their natural state. The starting point of the trail is located in the Makialampi parking area, in the vicinity of Vaattunkiköngäs and the intersection of Road E75. The trail first goes across a mire section (duckboards), and 600 metres later it branches off into two trails. If you turn to the left (i.e. to the west) to the Sortovaara Lapp ‘kota' hut and return along the same trail, the trail is easy. If you turn to the right and proceed, via Sortovaara, to the Lapp ‘kota' hut, the trail is intermediate. The Sortovaara area is, however, more demanding. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile hiking via Sortovaara if you want to experience the atmosphere of the old-growth forests. You can do the trail by snowshoe in winter.
Please Note
During spring floods, the duckboards in the initial part of the trail may be flooded. The trail is suitable for snowshoeing in winter, but there is no winter maintenance along the trail.

Kivalonaapa Meadow Culture Trail, 1,3 km, circle trail (total 5,8-6,3 km)
Open throughout the year, duration 1 h
Category: an easy trail
, a medium level trail
(transition to the beginning of the trail on Könkäiden polku Trail)
Get to know the meadow culture on a cultural heritage destination.
Starting Point
Coordinates: WGS84 lat: 66° 37.1542' lon: 26° 11.0054'
ETRS-TM35FIN P: 7389171 m I: 463840 m
Hiking Structures
Vaattunkilampi lean-to, a dry toilet, jetty, Kivalonaavan niittypirtti day-use hut, a dry toilet, a fireplace. There are also lean-to shelters along the Könkäiden polku Trail.
A cultural heritage destination where you can familiarise yourself with the mire meadow culture. In addition to information boards, you will also find an old haystack and barn along the trail.
Trail Description
In the past, mire meadows were harvested for hay. You can familiarise yourself with the meadow culture on the nature trail that branches off from the Könkäiden polku Trail, close to Vaattunkilampi Pond. The distance to Vaattunkilampi Pond from the Vikaköngäs starting point is about 5 km, and about 4.5 km from the Vaattunkiköngäs starting point. You can also travel by boat along the River Raudanjoki to the jetty by the Vaattunkilampi lean-to shelter. You will see the Niittypirtti Day-use Hut as well as an old haystack and barn along the circle trail that runs in the Kivalonaapa area. The trail features information boards on the meadow culture and Kivalonaapa. The Meadow Culture Trail has been classified as easy. The connecting trail along the Könkäiden polku Trail is intermediate in difficulty.
Please Note
In spring, when the snow is melting, the River Raudanjoki may flood at Vaattunkilampi Pond to the extent that the Könkäiden polku Trail is flooded and the Meadow Culture Trail cannot be accessed along it. In addition to hiking, the trail is suitable for independent skiing in winter (no maintained skiing trail).
Vaattunkivaara Nature Trail, 4 km, circle trail
Open throughout the year, duration 1,5 h
Category: a medium level trail
Admire the views from the observation tower in the middle of old pine forests.
Starting Point
Coordinates: WGS84 lat: 66° 37.1542' lon: 26° 11.0054'
ETRS-TM35FIN P: 7389171 m I: 463840 m
Hiking Structures
Vikaköngäs parking area, a lean-to shelter area (two lean-to shelters), a campfire site, a toilet with a septic tank, a jetty, and a recycling point. Rest spots on the slopes of Vaattunkivaara Hill, Vaattunkivaara nature observation tower, Kaltio lean-to, spring, a dry toilet.
Old pine forest on the top of Vaattunkivaara Hill complemented by the handsome view that opens out from its observation tower.
Trail Description
The Vaattunkivaara Nature Trail starts from the Vikaköngäs hanging bridge. From the starting point, the trail ascends for about 80 metres onto the top of Vaattunkivaara Hill. A pine forest grows on the rocky top. The oldest trees are over 450 years old. The rocky top may be slippery in rainy weather. There are duckboards on the wettest sections: you will not necessarily need rubber boots during the driest season. However, the trail includes stony sections, so wearing sturdy boots is recommended. About 600 metres after the hanging bridge, the trail branches off and becomes a circle trail. You can hike it in either direction. The trail can be negotiated by snowshoe in winter.
Please Note
The rocky hill top may be slippery in rainy weather. The trail is suitable for snowshoeing in winter, but there is no winter maintenance along the trail.

Könkäiden polku Trail, 10 km / each way
Open throughout the year, duration 4h
Category: a medium level trail
See the two magnificent rapids of the river Raudanjoki, wonderful mire sceneries and the Meadow Culture Trail.
Starting Point
Coordinates: WGS84 lat: 66° 37.1542' lon: 26° 11.0054'
ETRS-TM35FIN P: 7389171 m I: 463840 m
Hiking Structures
Vikaköngäs parking area, a lean-to shelter area (two lean-to shelters), a campfire site, a toilet with a septic tank, a jetty, and a recycling point. Kaltio lean-to, spring, Vaattunkivaara nature observation tower, Kivalonaavan niittypirtti day-use hut, a dry toilet, fireplace, Vaattunkilampi lean-to, a dry toilet, jetty, Karhukumpu lean-to, a dry toilet, Könkäänsaari lean-to shelter area, an accessible dry toilet, Vaattunkiköngäs parking area, an accessible toilet with a septic tank.
Amongst the gorgeous destinations along the trail are the rapids, Vaattunkivaara Hill, Vaattunkilampi Pond, Vianaapa and the Könkäänsaaret Islands. This trail also boasts handsome mire areas and the Meadow Culture Trail.
Trail description
The Könkäiden polku Trail is a hiking trail (with good facilities) that connects the most handsome rapids in the River Raudanjoki, i.e. the Vikaköngäs Rapids and the Vaattunkiköngäs Rapids. Setting off from Vikaköngäs, the trail first runs across Vaattunkivaara Hill, goes along the southern bank of the River Raudanjoki, and takes you via the cultural heritage destination that presents the Kivalonaapa mire meadow culture to the impressive Könkäänsaaret Islands, whose biodiversity is particularly versatile. The trail has been classified as intermediate in difficulty. A considerable part of the trail has duckboards, so it is easy to move along the trail. The most demanding section is the ascent onto Vaattunkivaara Hill. The altitude difference is 80 metres, so you must be quite fit to reach the hill top. In addition, the trail on Vaattunkivaara Hill is stony in places, and it may be slippery in rainy weather. In spring, when the snow is melting, the River Raudanjoki may flood at Vaattunkilampi Pond to the extent that the Könkäiden polku Trail is flooded and it is impossible to walk along it.
Please Note
In spring and early summer, the trail may not be available, due to floods. In addition to hiking, the trail is suitable for independent skiing or snowshoeing in winter (no maintained trails).

Boating and Canoeing Routes
Canoeing route Kalliosalmi Sound - Lake Olkkajärvi, 62 km / each way
When the ground is unfrozen, duration 2-3 days
Experience over 60 km of lake and river sceneries.
Starting Point
Coordinates: WGS84 lat: 66° 41.1138' lon: 26° 42.5679'
ETRS-TM35FIN P: 7396321 m I: 487168 m
Route Structures
Vikaköngäs parking area, a lean-to shelter area (two lean-to shelters), a campfire site, a toilet with a septic tank, a jetty, and a recycling point. Ukkoharri lean-to, a dry toilet, Vaattunkilampi lean-to, a dry toilet, jetty, Säynäjäoja lean-to, a dry toilet, Olkkajärvi lean-to, a dry toilet. Boat harbour on the shore of Lake Olkkajärvi, a Lapp ‘kota' hut, boat launching site, swimming shore
Versatile river and lake scenery, with good fishing opportunities and handsome rapids.
Route description
The water and canoeing route runs along the rivers Vikajoki and Raudanjoki. The latter runs below Lake Vikajärvi. The route starts from the village of Kalliosalmi (close to Road 82 to Kemijärvi) and ends at Lake Olkkajärvi. The distance from the village of Kalliosalmi to Lake Olkkajärvi is about 62 km. There are no rest spots maintained by Metsähallitus in the initial part of the route. However, there are rest spots in the hiking area that are also suitable for canoeists in the final part of the route.
Kalliosalmi – Misin tie Road, about 12 km
The route starts from Kalliosalmi, from where you can go canoeing and boating along the River Kalliojoki. There is a parking area at Kalliosalmi, by Road no. 82, slightly after the river, in the direction of Kemijärvi. The route goes towards Lake Kalliojärvi, Lake Uurajärvi and Karvatit, whereafter the River Kalliojoki becomes the River Vikajoki and runs into Lake Kielijärvi. There is a boat landing site on the shore of Lake Kielijärvi, by the river mouth, close to Misin tie Road. The distance from Kalliosalmi to Misin tie Road is about 13 km. This section is suitable for rowing and canoeing in summer. However, there are no rest spots maintained by Metsähallitus along this section.
Misin tie Road – Lake Vikajärvi, about 27 km
The section that starts from Lake Kielijärvi (close to Misin tie Road) and runs to Lake Vikajärvi (close to a bridge of Road No. 82 to Kemijärvi) is only suitable for canoeing. At first, you will arrive at the Kieliköngäs Rapids, which are difficult to run, particularly during periods of high water levels. After the Kieliköngäs Rapids, you will arrive at Lake Venejärvi and continue along the River Välijoki to Lake Pirttijärvi. From Lake Pirttijärvi, the route goes along the River Vikajoki to Lake Köyry. There are some strong currents in the river sections that run between the lake sections. After Lake Köyry, a river section commences that continues to Lake Vikajärvi (close to the bridge of Road no. 82 to Kemijärvi). After that, you will find rest spots maintained by Metsähallitus.
The rapids scales in the River Vikajoki are I - II, depending on the water conditions. The most demanding and speediest rapids in the River Vikajoki are the Pietarinkoski Rapids, which extend one kilometre. The river section is suitable for canoeing almost throughout the summer, but during the driest season it may be difficult to canoe along the rapids sections.
Lake Vikajärvi – Lake Olkkajärvi, about 23 km
The section starting from Lake Vikajärvi is the most difficult. This section has the most demanding rapids, i.e. the Vikaköngäs and Vaattunkiköngäs Rapids. Rest spots are maintained by Metsähallitus in this section.
Tips for Running the Vikaköngäs Rapids
You will arrive first at the Vikaköngäs Rapids. The rapids have three sections, and the rapids scale varies between II and III, depending on the water conditions. The first two parts are easy to run, but it is advisable to take a look at the third part in advance. It is advisable to land in the vicinity of the Vikaköngäs lean-to shelters on the right-hand bank of the river.
Below the Vikaköngäs Rapids, you will arrive at Vaattunkilampi Pond. There is a lean-to shelter on its southern shore. From there, you can visit the Kivalonaapa Meadow Culture Trail (at a distance of 300 metres). From Vaattunkilampi Pond, the river is easy all the way to the Vaattunkiköngäs Rapids.
Tips for Running the Vaattunkiköngäs Rapids
There are two courses in the Vaattunkiköngäs Rapids. The course on the right-hand side of Könkäänsaari Island can be run. After a short rapids section, you can land on Könkäänsaari Island, from where you can take a look at the rapids in advance. Könkäänsaari Island is located on the left-hand side of the course. The rapids scale of Vaattunkiköngäs is I - II, depending on the water conditions.
After the Vaattunkiköngäs Rapids, the river is easy all the way to Lake Olkkajärvi. In the vicinity of the eastern shore of Lake Olkkajärvi, by a snowmobile track, you will find the Olkkajärvi lean-to shelter, also used by boaters. The water and canoeing route ends at the boat harbour at the northern end of Lake Olkkajärvi, close to Road E75.

Snowmobile Trails and Tracks
Many snowmobile trails and tracks run via the Arctic Circle area.
The Revontuli Trail runs from Rovaniemi to the border of Sodankylä (about 90 km). The Revontuli Trail goes across the Arctic Circle Hiking Area, via the Makialampi parking area and Vikaköngäs, for example.
The oldest snowmobile trail in the area is the snowmobile trail that runs from the Santa Claus Village via Lake Olkkajärvi to Kemijärvi. The snowmobile trail runs from the eastern shore of Lake Olkkajärvi to the northern side of Korvavaara Hill. From there, it branches off into two, continuing as a snowmobile track to Lake Vikajärvi and as a snowmobile trail to Kemijärvi. From the Kemijärvi snowmobile trail, there is also access to Ranua and Posio along snowmobile tracks.
The snowmobile track to Lake Vikajärvi runs, after the intersection, across Korvanaapa, then ascending to Rantakivalo. From there, it passes by Pattaskivalo and descends to the mires on the northern side of the range of wooded hills. After crossing Road no. 82 to Kemijärvi, you will arrive at Vikajärvi. From there, there is a connection to the Revontuli Trail to Sodankylä and to the grocery store at Vikajärvi.
You do not need a permit for travelling along the snowmobile trails. However, a permit is required for travelling along the snowmobile tracks. It is free of charge for those whose domicile is in the municipality and subject to a fee for others. You can obtain permits at the
Pilke House customer service desk and from the website (