Iso- Enskeri

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poikkeus_ei_paivitysta_kp_eng Outi Mäenpää 12/11/24

The coastal zone of Iso-Enskeri varies from sandy beaches to boulder-covered shores. The centre of the island has old coniferous forest and a few small ponds. Visitors can find an ancient shoreline on the north-east shore of the island. 


Pori, Coordinates (WGS84): P 61˚40, 573' I 21˚22, 557'

Directions and maps

  • The nearest port accessible by car is Reposaari, Santunranta; Coordinates (WGS84):  N 61°37,0’ - E21°2 6 , 4’
  • Topographic map  1:50 000 M324 Mäntyluoto  
  • Basic map1:25 000  M3244 Tahkoluoto
  • Nautical chart series E Bothnian Sea, 1:50 000. 

Access by boat

Access to the Iso-Enskeri Island from the channel to the west to the pier at the southern end of the island, where the boat can be moored at the pier or buoy.

Services in Iso-Enskeri

  • Pier
    • Mooring method: buoy.
    • Side-on mooring is also possible for small boats.
    • Depth 2.0 m
  • Nature trail 1.3 km 
  • Information board 
  • Campfire site 
  • Dry toilet 
  • Cooking shelter  

Trips to Iso-Enskeri

Metsähallitus' partner companies offer boat trips to Isoenskeri on request.


112 Emergency Number

If you have an emergency during your trip, such as getting lost, injured or finding a wildfire, call 112. Read more detailed emergency instructions.

Download the 112 Finland application ( to your phone. When an emergency call is made through the 112 Finland application, the emergency centre attendant is automatically informed of the caller's location.

It is recommended to keep the mobile phone warm and to bring extra food and water with you. There are many excursion locations with no mobile coverage and some mobile phones does not work in sub-zero temperatures, that is why it is always a good idea to let someone know about your itinerary and timetable.

Outdoor Etiquette

A cartoon picture of a family walking on a summer path.

1. Respect nature.

2. Mainly use marked trails.

3. Camp only where it is allowed.

4. Light your campfire only where it is allowed.

5. Do not litter.

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