Leivonmäki Menu
Leivonmäki National Park
The information on this page is no longer updated. See up-to-date information: Luontoon.fi.
Koskikaran kierros -nature trail and Rutalahti connecting trail are closed due to the ice that has covered the bridge on Rutajoki river.
Leivonmäki's forests, lakes and marshes can be explored on family-friendly paths, including enticing duckboard trails. Enjoy your picnic in delightful scenery by the lakeside or up on an esker ridge.
Suitability: Suitable for visitors of all ages all year. The Harjujärvi cooking shelter and its surroundings are accessible.
The area is managed by Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland.
This is the web page nationalparks.fi/leivonmaki