Accessible Leivonmäki

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Koskikaran kierros -nature trail and Rutalahti connecting trail are closed due to the ice that has covered the bridge on Rutajoki river.

The bright esker forests and idyllic lake landscapes of Leivonmäki National Park are accessible. Take a lunch break at the Harjujärvi cooking shelter - or stay overnight! Accessible service structures are available in summer.

Harjujärvi's accessible services

Leivonmäki's accessible services are located around Lake Harjujärvi in the south of the park.

Lake Harjujärvi has the following accessible services: cooking shelter, camp site, campfire site, dry toilet and viewing platform. The toilet can be accessed through a ramp and stairs. The door to the toilet is 80 cm wide. The toilet seat has hand supports but looking in from the doorway, the only free space is on the left side of the seat. Bring your own toilet paper. You may need your own light source in the toilet, also during daylight hours. Harjujärvi picnic area is also the starting point for Harjujärvi's demanding accessible trail.

Directions: The Harjujärvi picnic area is located at the end of a steep dirt road off of Vartiamäentie road which is locked with a chain. Those who need to get to Harjujärvi accessibly can request the lock code from Metsähallitus Customer Service. An assistant may be needed to open the chain. When the chain is open, you can drive all the way to the picnic area. If the steep hill and passing or going below the chain are not an obstacle for you, you can leave your car in the Kirveslampi public parking area which is 650 m away from the picnic area.  Furthermore a 500-metre long, narrow and uneven forest trail leads from the Kirveslampi parking area to Lake Harjujärvi.

Leivonmäki National Park trails

Puistokahvila café and other services provided by other partners

Karoliinan Puistokahvila café (weather permitting) in the Selänpohja parking area is accessible. Check the opening hours of the café on the café's Facebook page (in Finnish). There is also an accessible dry toilet in the parking area. The toilet seat has hand supports but looking in from the doorway, the only free space is on the left side of the seat. Bring your own toilet paper. You may need your own light source in the toilet, also during daylight hours.

Ask about accessible services from companies and partners providing services in the Leivonmäki National Park area.