Ruostejärvi - Liesjärvi National Park Trail

Tammela, Loppi
Ruostejärvi Recreation Area, Liesjärvi National Park, Tervalamminsuo Mire Reserve (, in Finnish)
The Ruostejärvi - Liesjärvi National Park Trail connects two popular hiking destinations in the Häme Lake Uplands; Ruostejärvi Recreation Area and Liesjärvi National Park, which is one of Finland's oldest national parks. Both of these areas have been known for decades to be beautiful nature recreation and hiking destinations.
The Ruostejärvi - Liesjärvi National Park Trail is forked in two. Visitors can hike from Ruostejärvi Recreation Area to the oldest core of Liesjärvi National Park, where for example the culturally and historically important Korteniemi forest ranger estate is located. The other route option is to head from Ruostejärvi to the newer portion of Liesjärvi National Park where Tervalamminsuo Mire and Lake Onkimaanjärvi are located. The 2 branches of the trail measure 12 km to Korteniemi and 24 km to Lake Onkimaanjärvi.
The trail leads for the most part through coniferous forest which is typical of the Häme area, but for example sloping ridges, natural ponds and winding shorelines bring a great deal to the route. Hikers can study the plants along the trail as well as gather mushrooms or berries. Visitors can enjoy the area's background music; the wind in the pines and a bird song concert.
The trail can be travelled when the ground is not frozen, and Häme Visitor Centre which offers information on hiking in Ruostejärvi Recreation Area, is the best place to set off on the route. Hikers must have a map and be skilled map readers to travel this trail.
The combined length of the trail's two forks is over 30 km and hikers can travel to both end points in the span of one day. The area offers the opportunity for much longer treks as well, since the trail is part of the over 200 km long Häme Ilvesreitti Trail Network (, in Finnish).
Ruostejärvi - Liesjärvi National Park Trail is Located in the Häme Lake Uplands
The Häme Lake Uplands is a natural gem in the centre of Häme and conveniently close to Finland's busiest urban centres. The Häme Lake Uplands is the ideal destination for a multitude of nature activities - read more on the destinations within the Häme Lake Uplands.
- Liesjärvi National Park
- Torronsuo National Park
- Komio Nature Reserve
- Melkuttimet Nature Reserve
- Pääjärvi Recreation Area
- Ruostejärvi Recreation Area
- Folk Park of Saari
- Poronpolku Trail
- Ruostejärvi - Saari Trail
Ruostejärvi - Liesjärvi National Park Trail Directions and Maps
The Ruostejärvi - Liesjärvi National Park Trail is located on the east side of main road 2 (Helsinki - Pori) within the areas of Tammela and Loppi about 95 km from Helsinki and 22 km from Forssa.
By Car
- Directions to Ruostejärvi Recreation Area:
- Turn off main road 2 (Helsinki - Pori) following signs to ex Häme Visitor Centre (Hämeen luontokeskus), continue driving for 1.5 km and turn left into the parking area according to signposts.
- When approaching the area from the direction of Porras Village along road 2824 (Härkätie Road) turn to the right into the parking area according to signposts.
By Public Transportation
- Ruostejärvi Recreation Area can be reached by coach. Numerous express coaches travel along main road 2 (Helsinki - Pori) daily. There is a coach stop on the main road at the Eerikkilä intersection (Road 2824/ Härkätie road), from where it is approximately a 1.5 km walk to the ex visitor centre and Ruostejärvi Recreation Area. Timetables can be found on the Matkahuolto website (
- provides information on public transportation (
By Bicycle
- The Häme Härkätie cycling route leads through Ruostejärvi Recreation Area. For more information see the Häme Lake Uplands outdoor map (, in Finnish).

- of Metsähallitus
- Häme Lake Uplands outdoor map (Hämeen järviylängön ulkoilukartta,, in Finnish)
- National Land Survey of Finland MapSite (
Other Maps
- Retkeily GT Etelä-Suomi: Outdoor GT map Southern Finland, 1:250 000. Karttakeskus 2019. The maps are sold by Karttakeskus and well-stocked bookstores.
- Liesjärvi Torronsuo Hämeen Ilvesreitti, 1:25 000, Calazo 2017. The map is sold by (in Finnish).
- Häme Lake Uplands outdoor map (Hämeen järviylängön ulkoilukartta),
1:55 000, Karttakeskus 2010. The map is sold by Karttakeskus and well-stocked bookstores. - Karkkila outdoor and hiking map, 1:50 000, Town of Karkkila
- Terrain map L421, 1:50 000. Maps are sold by Karttakeskus and National Land Survey of Finland.
Instructions and Rules along Ruostejärvi - Liesjärvi National Park Trail
Instructions on Exploring Ruostejärvi - Liesjärvi National Park Trail
- Instructions and Rules: Ruostejärvi Recreation Area and Liesjärvi National Park
- The trail is a summer hiking trail, along which Everyman's Rights apply.
- Please remember to be conscientious when using campfire sites. Lighting campfires is completely forbidden when there is a wildfire warning in effect.
- The public can stay overnight in the area's lean-to shelters.
Mobile Phone Coverage
- Although Finland has a broad network for mobile phones, there are some areas in the park without signal. There may also be some smaller spots where there is interference. If this happens try to climb to a higher place or go into an open area. It may be worth removing the SIM card from your phone and then trying again to make emergency call. Different phones also differ in their coverage.
- We recommend that you keep your mobile phone warm at all times and take along food and drink. Certain phone models do not work when the temperature falls below zero. You should therefore let someone know your planned route. To keep your mobile phone charged, bring along a spare power source, a spare battery or an old phone with a working battery.
- Hikers should have a map and be skilled in reading it in order to travel the trail. The trail is difficult to follow if you only follow the markings in the terrain. The area's 1:55,000 outdoor map is a good map for this purpose.
- If you face an emergency on your hike, e.g. get lost, get injured or observe wildfire, call 112 and report an emergency. More information on how to act in an emergency.
- Make sure you pack a first-aid kit.
- Read more about Safety.
- Hikers can travel the trail with basic hiking equipment taking into consideration the season during which you visit.
- Read more about Hiking in Finland.
- More information on Hiking Without Littering.
Ruostejärvi - Liesjärvi National Park Trail Level of Difficulty
In order to be able to trail the Ruostejärvi - Liesjärvi National Park Trail hikers must have a map of the area and be moderately skilled in map reading. The trail includes services and features such as duckboards, borderlines, forest roads, town roads and naturally formed trails. There are no accessible services along the trail. The trail leads across moderately level terrain and is easy to travel; it can be travelled when the ground is not frozen.
Duration of the Hike
The recommended travel time from Ruostejärvi to Korteniemi in Liesjärvi National Park is approximately 3 hours and 6 hours to Lake Onkimaanjärvi in Liesjärvi National Park.
Services along Ruostejärvi - Liesjärvi National Park Trail
Customer Service and Guidance
Tel. int. +358 206 39 5270 (mon-fri 09:00-15:00)
Drinking Water
- Read tips on drinking water on the Outdoor Guide pages.
Waste Management
- There are no waste-bins in the trail. Measures should be taken in advance to avoid taking unnecessary waste into the area. Biodegradable waste should be placed in a toilet and small amounts of clean paper and cardboard can be used as kindling in a campfire.
- Read more about Hiking Without Littering.
Campfire Sites
- Campfire sites in Ruostejärvi Recreation Area:
- There is a campfire site and a lean-to shelter on the east shore of Myllylahti Bay.
- The Meidän Metsä (our forest) lean-to shelter is situated at Toralahti Bay in the western part of the area.
- Additionally there is Lapiniemi lean-to shelter in the vicinity of the ex visitor centre.
- Campfire sites in Liesjärvi National Park are situated
- at Siltalahti Bay at the south end of Lake Tapolanjärvi
- at Lake Peukalolammi
- at Lake Kaksvetinen
- at the Savilahti camping area
- at Korteniemi
- at Lake Onkimaanjärvi
- Lighting campfires is forbidden also at the constructed campfire sites if the wildfire warning is in effect.
- More information about lighting campfires can be found at Hiking in Finland.
Firewood Supply
- Lean-to shelters are supplied with firewood as well as tools to cut it with. Lapiniemi lean-to shelter is an exception and doesn't have an axe.
Maintenance and Management
- The municipalities of Tammela (, in Finnish) and Loppi (, in Finnish) maintain the trail.
- Ruostejärvi Recreation Area is managed and maintained by the Ruostejärvi care and management committee, while Liesjärvi National park is managed and maintained by Metsähallitus.
- There are dry toilets in the same building as the dressing rooms at Lake Ruostejärvi beach. The dry toilets are open during the summer 10 am to 9 pm every day.
- In Ruostejärvi Recreation Area there are dry toilets near both the Myllylahti and Toralahti lean-to shelters.
- There are dry toilets at Lake Onkimaanjärvi and at Korteniemi.
Overnight Stays
Camping and Lean-to Shelters
- Savilahti camping ground is situated by the trail in Liesjärvi National Park. Additionally Finland's Everyman's Rights state that visitors can stay overnight in tents at other places by the trail for short periods, outside the National Park.
- Myllylahti lean-to shelter in Ruostejärvi Recreation Area is situated at Myllylahti Bay on Lake Ruostejärvi, about 100 m from the trail in the direction of Eerikkälä Sports Institute. There is also a good swimming spot at the lean-to shelter. There is no official beach.
- In Liesjärvi National Park there are lean-to shelters at Lakes Kaksvetinen and Peukalolammi.
- There is a lean-to shelter base at Lake Onkimaanjärvi.
- Visitors may stay over night in lean-to shelters for on to two nights at a time.
Other Services
- More services can be found in Tammela (, in Finnish) and Loppi (, in Finnish).
Ruostejärvi - Liesjärvi National Park Trail Route Description
Starting Points for Excursions
- Ex Häme Nature Centre in Ruostejärvi Recreation Area is the starting point for the Ruostejärvi - Liesjärvi National Park Trail. The trail can be travelled when the ground is not frozen.
Trail Markings
The trail is marked in the terrain with 1.2 m high poles, which carry a green Hämeen ilvesreitti sign. Additionally there are yellow lynx symbols painted onto tree trunks.
Trail Sections
The Ruostejärvi - Liesjärvi National Park Trail is not a circle trail, but rather it branches off in two different directions. The trail begins at Ruostejärvi Recreation Area and both forks of the trail lead along the same route for just under 3 km at the beginning. The two forks separate at Tapola Village.
- Ruostejärvi - Korteniemi Heritage Farm in Liesjärvi National Park, 12 km
- Ruostejärvi - Tervalamminsuo and Onkimaanjärvi area in Liesjärvi National Park, 24 km.
Ruostejärvi - Korteniemi Heritage Farm in Liesjärvi National Park, 12 km
- The trail begins in Ruostejärvi Recreation Area at ex Häme Visitor Centre. The trail sets off from the ex visitor centre and the recreation area's gate structure and leads along duckboards to the bottom of Myllylahti Bay in Lake Ruostejärvi. At Myllylahti Bay (a bit in the direction of Eerikkilä) there is a lean-to shelter base. From Myllylahti Bay the trail continues across Härkätie road and through forest areas to Tapola Village. At Tapola Village the trail forks in two directions.
From Tapola the trail continues into Liesjärvi National Park along forest roads and natural paths and reaches Lake Tapolanjärvi, where there is a campfire site. From the campfire site the trail heads south to the naturally beautiful narrow Kyynäränharju Ridge, which is 6 km from the trail's starting point. Kyynäränharju Ridge is a miniature version of Punkaharju Ridge and it is surrounded by water in all sides.
- From the campfire site at Lake Tapolanjärvi there is also a connecting trail to the east towards Kaksvetinen Nature Trail, which then continues as a circle trail leading back to the visitor centre.
- After passing Kyynäränharju Ridge the trail leads along natural paths partly in the national park's oldest grand coniferous forest landscape. After this forest area the trail reaches Korteniemi Heritage Farm on the shore of Lake Liesjärvi, where visitors can wander around the old forest ranger estate and admire its heritage landscape.
Ruostejärvi - Tervalamminsuo and Onkimaanjärvi area in Liesjärvi National Park, 24 km
- The trail begins in Ruostejärvi Recreation Area at ex Häme Visitor Centre. The trail sets off from the ex visitor centre and the recreation area's gate structure and leads along duckboards to the bottom of Myllylahti Bay in Lake Ruostejärvi. At Myllylahti Bay (a bit in the direction of Eerikkilä) there is a lean-to shelter base. From Myllylahti Bay the trail continues across Härkätie road and through forest areas to Tapola Village. At Tapola Village the trail forks in two directions.
- At Tapola the trail turns to the left off the trail leading to Korteniemi. The trail leads through Sammalsuo Mire and meets up with the road, from where it then turns left to the shore of Lake Kaksvetinen and joins with Kaksvetinen Nature Trail. The distance from Ruostejärvi Recreation Area to Kaksvetinen is about 6 km. There is a Lappish kota hut on the shore of Lake Kaksvetinen and a lean-to shelter at Lake Peukalolammi.
- There is a connecting trail from Kaksvetinen Nature Trail to Lake Tapolanjärvi, from where visitors can reach Kyynäränharju Ridge and Korteniemi Heritage Farm or continue along a circle trail back to the trail's starting point in Ruostejärvi.
- From Lake Peukalomlammi the trail heads east towards Liesjärvi Village. The trail exits the national park and leads along Kantelus local road over a bridge which crosses the northern end of Lake Liesjärvi and into the Liesjärvi Forestry College's forest. At this point the trail follows the shore of Lake Liesjärvi for about 100 m and there is an opportunity to go for a swim. There is no official beach.
- After passing the newest part of Liesjärvi National Park by the old Forestry College the trail crosses a local road at the village sports field. The trail leads along a forest road to the east and crosses Suo-ojantie road, then leading through Hevosojansuo Mire towards Lake Heinissuonlammi. Lake Heinissuonlammi is approximately 15 km from the trail's starting point. Before Lake Heinissuonlammi there is a trail intersection from where the trail heading south leads to Lake Onkimaanjärvi. The trail which heads north from the intersection leads into the Melkuttimet Reserve and on from there to Räyskälä.
- From Heinisuo Mire the trail continues south along natural trails, forest roads and machine tracks past Lake Herttuanjärvi to Lake Onkimaanjärvi. This part of the track isn't that well marked, so a map is good to have with you. Here, in the eastern portion of the national park on the northern shore of Lake Onkimaanjärvi there is a lean-to shelter, a campfire site and a dry toilet. The shoreline next to the lean-to shelter is rocky and is therefore not suited for swimming. Onkimaanjärvi is approximately 24 km from the trail's starting point.
- From the Onkimaanjärvi lean-to shelter hikers can still continue along the trail to the east following the Lake Onkimaanjärvi shoreline to the east side of the lake. Before the south-eastern bottom of the lake the trail base enters the town of Karkkila's lands. The Uusimaa Recreation Area Association's recreation area is located to the southeast of Lake Onkimaanjärvi.
Connecting Trails
Hiking Trails
The trail is part of the over 200 km long Häme Ilvesreitti Trail Network (, in Finnish), which means there are sample opportunities for longer treks. For example, from Ruostejärvi there are trails to Folk Park of Saari as well as to Räyskälä in Loppi and on from there along the Härkätie trails to the town of Hämeenlinna. From Onkimaanjärvi there are connecting trails to the Karkkila outdoor trails network.
Canoeing Routes
The River Loimijoki canoe route begins in Liesjärvi National Park and leads through Liesjärvi Village.
Biking Trails
National cycling routes lead through both Ruostejärvi Recreation Area and Liesjärvi National Park. For more information see the Häme Lake Uplands outdoor map (, in Finnish).
Customer Service
tel. int. +358 206 39 5270