Services in Southern Konnevesi National Park
Customer Service
Tel. int. +358 206 39 5270 (mon-fri 09:00-15:00)
Guidance boards can be found in Finnish and English in the parking areas
Logo-products of the nationalpark for sale:
- In Rautalampi: Törmälä Holiday and Course Centre (
- In Konnevesi: Häyrylänranta - Konnevesi Harbour (, in Finnish)
- In Jyväskylä: Natural History Museum of Central Finland (
Services Offered by Enterprises and Organisations in the National Park
- Enterprises and organisations offering services in the national park
- They have a cooperation agreement with Metsähallitus and they follow the principles of sustainable nature tourism when operating in the national park.
Meals, Where to Buy and Prepare
Shops, Cafés and Restaurants
- The closest services are available in Konnevesi to the west of the lake, and in Rautalampi to the east.
Campfire Sites
- Vuori-Kalaja: a campfire site and a campfire shelter.
- Lapinsalo: a campfire shelter.
- Iso-Pyysalo: a campfire site and a lean-to-shelter
- Kaituri: a lean-to-shelter.
- Enonranta: a campfire shelter.
- Keskilahti: a campfire site.
- Konnekoski: a cooking shelter (the Koski and Lassila local fishery associations are responsible for the maintenance of this structure)
- At the campfire sites, firewood is long trunks or splits, except for the campfire shelter of Vuori-Kalaja, where ready-made firewood is available. There is a saw and an ax at the campfire sites for chopping firewood.
Municipal campfire sites and beaching sites are located in the vicinity of the national park on private Nature Conservation Areas:
- Haukisaari: a campfire site and a lean-to-shelter (Municipality of Konnevesi)
- Silmutsaari: a campfire site and a lean-to-shelter (Municipality of Konnevesi)
- Ruohosaari: a campfire site and a lean-to-shelter (Municipality of Rautalampi) Note! Take your own fire wood with you.
- Pieni Navettasaari: a campfire site and a lean-to-shelter (Municipality of Rautalampi) Note! Take your own fire wood with you.
- Hanhitaipale kalasatama (fishing harbour): a campfire shelter (Municipality of Rautalampi)
- Kierinniemi: a cooking shelter (Municipality of Rautalampi)
- Sirkkavuori: a campfire site and a lean-to-shelter (Municipality of Rautalampi)
Please note that, when the wildfire warning is in effect, open fires are prohibited on every campfire site in Southern Konnevesi nationalpark. Check the current warnings (
Drinking water
- As there are no wells available in the terrain, hikers must bring water with them.
- The surface water from the lakes, rivers and brooks must be boiled before use. Water in the springs and running water in the brooks is usually good for drinking. However, the quality of the water cannot be monitored, so the use of natural water is at your own risk.
- Look at the tips for outdoors drinking water in Hiking in Finland -pages.
Waste Management
- There are no waste-bins in the area. Measures should be taken in advance to avoid taking unnecessary waste into the area.
- Biodegradable waste can be placed in a dry toilet. The toilets at Vuori-Kalaja, Kalaja parking area and Konnekoski are emptied with suction. Do not put any food waste in them.
- Small amounts of clean paper and cardboard can be used as kindling in a campfire.
- Read more about Hiking without Littering.
- There is a toilet, that is emptied with suction in Konnekoski, Kalaja parking area and Vuori-Kalaja.
- There is a dry toilet in Keskilahti, Enonranta, Kaituri, Iso-Pyysalo and Lapinsalo.
- There are also dry toilets in Haukisaari, Ruohosaari, Pieni Navettasaari, Kierinniemi, Sirkkavuori, Pitkänpohjanlahti and Kalasatama in Hanhitaipale (maintained by municipalities).
- Please note that these toilets are not equipped with toilet paper. You may need your own light source in the toilet, also during daylight hours.
Overnight Stays
Camping and Lean-to Shelters
The lean-to-shelters in Iso-Pyysalo and Kaituri are suitable for overnight stays. Overnight stays in the national park are permitted under everyman's rights. For sleeping in a tent or hammock we recommend areas close to the camping sites. There are suitable tent sites as follows: Vuori-Kalaja 5, Keskilahti 3, Enonranta 5, Kaituri 5, Iso-Pyysalo 6, Lapinsalo 4. A hammock is a good option. Remember to protect the tree trunks.
Municipal lean-to-shelters and a sauna-hut suitable for over nigt stays are located in the vicinity of the national park:
- Haukisaari: a lean-to-shelter (Municipality of Konnevesi)
- Silmutsaari: a lean-to-shelter and a rentable sauna-hut (, in Finnish) (Municipality of Konnevesi)
- Ruohosaari: a lean-to-shelter (Municipality of Rautalampi) Note! Take your own fire wood with you.
- Pieni Navettasaari: a lean-to-shelter (Municipality of Rautalampi) Note! Take your own fire wood with you.
- Sirkkavuori: a lean-to-shelter (Municipality of Rautalampi)
Lodging in the Surrounding Area
Several providers of accommodation services operate close to the national park. For more information, please contact the partners of Southern Konnevesi nationalpark.
Equipment Rental
Local entrepreneurs welcome enquiries about hiking and canoeing equipment rental. For more information on entrepreneurs and their services, please contact the partners of Southern Konnevesi nationalpark.
Accessible Services
In Vuori-Kalaja and Lapinsalo Island there are accessible services. Explore the accessible services of Southern Konnevesi national park.
Services for Boaters
Coordinates are given in accordance with the WGS-84 coordinate system as well as in the ETRS-TM3FIN planar coordinate system. The Konnevesi inland waterway is 1.8 m deep. Non-urgent rescue and assistance operations on the lake: Konnevesi Lifeboat Institution, (in Finnish,
Landing Sites in Southern Konnevesi National Park
- Lapinsalo excursion harbour is located in a bay on the northern side of the Lapinsalo island (Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 62° 35.68' lon: 26° 31.45' ETRS-TM35FIN: N: 6940519 E: 475564).
- an accessible guest jetty with a canoe step
- buoy and side mooring
- 4 places
- a dry toilet
- an accessible campfire shelter
- Iso-Pyysalo island has a sandy beach on the western shore and a gravel beach on the southern shore (Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 62° 36.03' lon: 26° 34.49' ETRS-TM35FIN: N: 6941151 E: 478170).
- for small boats (shallow shore)
- a lean-to-shelter, a campfire site and a toilet
- exposed to south and east winds
- Kaituri (Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 62° 33.18' lon: 26° 37.75' ETRS-TM35FIN: N: 6935842 E: 480929).
- a canoe jetty
- a lean-to-shelter and a toilet

Enonranta (Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 62° 34.84' lon: 26° 39.08' ETRS-TM35FIN: N: 6938918 E: 482086).
- a guest jetty with a canoe step
- a campfire shelter and a toilet
- hiking trails Loukkuvuoren lenkki (2,8 km) and Kolmen vuoren vaellus ("The three mountains hike", 14 km).
- Keskilahti (Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 62° 35.96' lon: 26° 39.70' ETRS-TM35FIN: N: 6940994 E: 482628).
- a canoe jetty
- a campfire site and a toilet
- hiking trail Kolmen vuoren vaellus (14 km)
- Kellarilahti (Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 62° 37.28' lon: 26° 41.99' ETRS-TM35FIN: N: 6943436 E: 484599).
- guest jetty
- Kiertolahti (Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 62° 34.56' lon: 26° 41.43' ETRS-TM35FIN: N: 6938387 E: 484096).
- a canoe jetty
- hiking trail to the top of the Kalajanvuori-hill and to the trails Kalajan kierros (4,6 km) and Kolmen vuoren vaellus ("The three mountains hike", 14 km).
- Pohjois-Lanstu (Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 62° 36.92' lon: 26° 30.62' ETRS-TM35FIN: N: 6942827 E: 474871).
- a canoe jetty
Services for Boaters in Nearby Areas
- The Häyrylänranta service harbour, Municipality of Konnevesi (Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 62° 37.53' lon: 26° 20.69' ETRS-TM35FIN: N: 6944035 E: 466390).
- A visitors' berth (10 buoys, side mooring locations)
- Fuel dispensary (petrol and diesel, with a payment card only), suction unloading of wastewater tanks, drinking water, waste management, a toilet, a boat ramp, a beach, showers, sauna for rent, a camping site, a restaurant, kayak, canoe, sup-board and rowboat rental
- Distance to Konnevesi centre: 3 km.
- Haukisaari, Municipality of Konnevesi (Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 62° 36.99' lon: 26° 24.23' ETRS-TM35FIN: N: 6943003 E: 469407).
- A berth
- Buoy mooring
- A lean-to-shelter, a campfire site, a toilet, waste management.
- On the western side of the island, a buoy and mooring hooks sunk into the rock.
- Kivisalmi, Municipality of Konnevesi (Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 62° 39.88' lon: 26° 33.92' ETRS-TM35FIN: N: 6948303 E: 477730).
- Joint berth (3 buoy mooring sites)
- A boat ramp, a toilet, household waste management
- Kalasatama in Hanhitaipale, Municipality of Rautalampi (Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 62° 33.54' lon: 26° 43.44' ETRS-TM35FIN: N: 6936486 E: 485809).
- A boat ramp
- A berth (depth 3 m)
- A cooking shelter
- A toilet
- Canoe and kayak rental
Other Services in the Surrounding Area
The municipalities of Konnevesi (, in Finnish) and Rautalampi ( provide town services.
When the wildfire warning is in effect, open fires are prohibited on every campfire site in Southern Konnevesi nationalpark. In Southern Konnevesi nationalpark this prohibition applies also to cooking shelters or other fireplaces with a flue. Check the current warnings (