Description of Teijo Trails

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Starting Points for Trails

  • Jeturkasti parking area 

Jeturkasti’s demanding accessible trail, 700 m one-way
Jeturkasti loop trail, 4.8 km  

  • Kariholma parking area, south-west of Lake Matildanjärvi

Kariholma’s demanding accessible trail, 600 m one-way
Lake Matildanjärvi loop trail, 5.5 km 
Jeturkasti trail, 4.8 km 

  • Kirjakkala parking area, in the Kirjakkala ironworks village

Onnelannummi trail, 4.9 km 

  • Laviakallio parking area, north of Lake Sahajärvi

Lake Sahajärvi trail, 8.8 km

  • Matildanjärvi parking area by the Nature Centre

Lake Matildanjärvi trail, 5.5 km
Jeturkasti trail, 4.8 km 

  • Mikkossuo parking area 

Lake Matildanjärvi trail, 5.5 km

  • Nenustannummi parking area

Nenusta trail, 3.6 km 
Lake Sahajärvi trail, 8.8 km

  • Piikanummi parking area

Punassuo Mire trail, 2.1 km/one-way 

  • Punassuo parking area

Punassuo Mire trail, 2.1 km/one-way 

  • Sahajärvi parking area, western end of Lake Sahajärvi 

Totti nature trail, 1.3 km 

Other Maps



Easy trails

Kariholma trail, demanding accessible, 600 m/one-way

A demanding accessible trail. 
Fully accessible only during the snow-free season.
The estimated duration by wheelchair is less than one hour.

The accessible route descends through forest landscape - typical to Southwest Finland - to the shores of Lake Matildanjärvi where you can find Kariholma's accessible services. 

Kariholma's 2.5 meter wide route in the middle of the picture. Forest on both sides.
Starting point 
Address: Kariholma parking area, Matildanjärventie 20, Salo (pdf 4,7 Mt,
Coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 60° 12.57195' lon: 22° 55,49649', ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6681719 E: 274238

Driving instructions 
From Salo, take road number 1824 towards the village of Teijo. Once you reach Teijo, continue on Teijontie to the village of Mathildedal. After the village, the approach signs for the national park guide you to Matildanjärventie. The drive from Salo to the Kariholma parking area is less than 30 km.   

From Salo through Perniö, the drive to Kariholma is less than 40 km. Drive from Salo to Perniö (road no. 82), then take the Kemiöntie road (183) and continue to the Skoilantie road. From that road, the approach signs for the national park guide you to Matildanjärventie.

Hiking structures

  • There is no marked disability parking in the parking area. 
  • The parking area is flat and the area surface is gravel.
  • There are a few benches along the route.
  • The section leading to Kariholma starts at the Kariholma parking area. Kariholma has an accessible cooking shelter (Note! Under renovation in winter 2021-22), an accessible toilet and an accessible dock suitable for fishing.

Trail description

  • The width of the route is mostly 2.5 metres. 
  • The trail is marked with an orange wooden diamond.
  • There are wood-coloured signs at the height of approximately 1 metre.
  • The surface material of the trail is coarse gravel.
  • There is no excessive lateral slope on the trail that would impede the movement of people with mobility aids. Slight unevenness is possible.
  • The grade of the route exceeds 8% in three sections. When leaving the parking area, the first descent is 17 m long with a 12% grade.  The longest, albeit slight, descent is in the middle of the trail: 68 m and 9%.  The steepest descent is near the shore: 54 m and 16%. The descent to the dock is 25 m long with 14% grade.   
  • Due to a few ascents and descents along the way, the trail has been classified as demanding, and an assistant is recommended for wheelchair users. Large front wheels designed for off-road use or a single front wheel will facilitate travelling with wheelchairs. The users of electric wheelchairs or electric mopeds may not necessarily experience any problems on the trail.

Further information:

Jeturkasti trail, demanding accessible, 700 m/one-way

A demanding accessible trail. 
Fully accessible only during the snow-free season.
The estimated duration by wheelchair is less than one hour.

The open forest landscape of the sandy heath calms the mind of a hiker as soon as you step into it. At the end of the trail, you can find the 9,000-year-old ancient shoreline of Jeturkasti at 80 metres higher than the current sea level. 

In the middle of the picture is a two-meter-wide route with bright forest on both sides.
Starting point 
Address: Jeturkast parking area, Skoilantie 354, Salo. (pdf 4,7 Mt,
Coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 60° 12,12407' lon: 22° 55,99427', ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6680860 E: 2746456 

Driving instructions 
From Salo, take road number 1824 towards the village of Teijo. Once you reach Teijo, continue on Teijontie to the village of Mathildedal. After the village, you pass an approach sign for the National Park. Continue to Matildanjärventie and drive for 1.1 km until you come to the Jeturkasti parking area. There is a sign pointing to the parking area on the road. The drive from Salo to the Kariholma parking area is less than 30 km.   

From Salo through Perniö, the Jeturkasti parking area is less than 40 km away. Drive from Salo to Perniö (Road No 82), then take the Kemiöntie road (183) and further the Skoilantie road for 3.7 km to the Jeturkasti parking area. There is a sign pointing to the parking area on the road.

Hiking structures

  • There is no marked disability parking in the parking area.
  • The parking area is at a very slight slope and it is paved with rock dust.
  • The accessible section of the Jeturkasti trail starts at the Jeturkasti parking area.
  • There are a few benches along the route.
  • At the end of the accessible section, there is a viewing platform and a table with benches on the ancient shoreline of Jeturkasti.

Trail description

  • The width of the route is mostly 2 metres. The most narrow point of the trail is on the trail leading to the viewing platform where it is one metre wide. 
  • The trail is marked with an orange diamond.
  • There are wood-coloured signs at the height of approximately 1 metre.
  • The trail surface is rock dust.
  • There is no excessive lateral slope on the trail that would impede the movement of people with mobility aids. Slight unevenness is possible.
  • The grade of the route exceeds 8% in three sections.  When leaving the parking area, there is an ascent of 18 m with a 12% grade. The length of the next ascent is 30 m with a 11% grade. Near the ancient shoreline, the grade of the trail is 12% for a section of 36 m.   
  • Due to a few ascents and descents along the way, the trail has been classified as demanding, and an assistant is recommended for wheelchair users. Large front wheels designed for off-road use or a single front wheel will facilitate travelling with wheelchairs. The users of electric wheelchairs or electric mopeds may not necessarily experience any problems on the trail.

 Further information:

Totti nature trail, 1.3 km loop

Open all year, hiking time 1 h, no winter maintenance.
A relatively easy trail for beginners, families and groups.

Arching hazel thickets, steep rocks lining the path, lush groves along the stream, small rapids and bridges – the trail offers an unforgettable experience! 

Four hikers walk on the path towards the camera. Hazels in autumnal colours bend their branches over the hikers.
Starting point
Address: Sahajärvi parking area, Teijontie 12, Salo (pdf 4,7 Mt, 
Coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 60° 15.2370' lon: 22° 57.9305' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6686529 E: 276790

Hiking structures
The information boards on the nature trail describe the species and their habitat as well as nature management work to protect them. Note, no toilet.

The Sahajärvi dam, streamside groves

Trail description
Trail markings: orange. 
Recommended hiking direction: counter-clockwise.

Totti nature trail, 1.3 km, runs in the old Teijo Manor Park. The nature trail starts from the old power plant along Teijontie.  The trail has rocky sections with steep drops, lush streamside groves and hazel groves as well as waterfalls, bridges and stone stairs.
A hiker standing on a wooden bridge looking at the creek that flows beneath the bridge.

Punassuo Mire trail, 2.1 km/one-way

Open all year, hiking time 1-2 h, no winter maintenance.
A relatively easy trail for beginners, families and groups. 

At the Punassuo Mire, visitors are enchanted by the scents and tranquillity of the pristine and peaceful wetlands. 
Duckboards run in front of the photographer through the forested mire area. Further down rises a pine forest.

Starting point
Address: Piikanummi parking area, Lankkerintie 288, Salo (pdf 4,7 Mt, and Punassuo parking area, Leppäkorventie 585, Salo (pdf 4.7 Mt,
Piikanummi coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 60° 13.6997' lon: 23° 00.4623' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6683533 E: 278954
Punassuo coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 60° 12.7593' lon: 23° 00.7589' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6681773 E: 279110

Hiking structures
Note: no toilet.

Punassuo mire

Trail description
Trail markings: orange.
Recommended hiking direction: clockwise

From the Piikanummi parking area at the northern end of the Punassuo Mire, it is a 2.1 km hike to the southern edge of the mire, and to the Punassuo parking area. The trail crosses the mire and goes mostly on duckboards. 

An information board in the middle of the forest with a map of Teijo. A trail runs in front of the information board.

Nenusta trail, 3.6 km loop

Open all year, hiking time 2.5 h, no winter maintenance.
A relatively easy trail for beginners, families and groups. A more demanding rocky section to Nenustannokka. 

The trail is in a figure eight shape and takes you through wetlands and esker forests to Nenustannokka, where the landscape opens up towards the largest lake in the National Park, Lake Hamarinjärvi. 

A fire pit by a small wooden building surrounded by a coniferous forest.

Starting point
Address: Nenustannummi parking area, Sauruntie 671, Salo (pdf 4,7 Mt,
Nenustannummi coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 60° 14.8726' lon: 23° 01.4392' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6685645 E: 279978

Hiking structures
Campfire site and dry toilet. Bring your own toilet paper. 

Nenustannokka, Nenustannummi coal pits.

Trail description
Trail markings: orange.
Recommended hiking direction: clockwise

The Nenustannummi trail runs in a figure eight. When walking clockwise from the parking area, the trail crosses the mire on duckboards. Before the campfire site, the trail runs through a forest section that was burned in 2008. The Nenusta campfire site is located in an open pine heath forest. The northern loop of the figure eight takes you to the top of the rocks, to the magnificent Nenustannokka lookout point, where you can admire the beautiful scenery that opens towards Lake Hamarinjärvi. Rest of the way to the parking area runs in a pine heath forest and is easy to walk.

A wide dirt road runs in the middle of an open pine forest.

Jeturkasti ancient trail, 4.6 km loop

Open all year, hiking time 2 h, no winter maintenance.
A relatively easy trail for beginners, families and groups.
The 700 m distance from the Jeturkasti parking area to the ancient shore line is accessible by wheelchair and with baby prams during snow-free season.  An assistant is recommended for wheelchair users.

The versatile trail calms a visitor’s mind with tranquil sceneries, both along the sea shore and in the forest. The trail was named after the ancient shore stone field reaching for almost two hectares. 

Two cyclists ride towards the camera along a wide path. Two orange route signs in a tree along the path. A fairly thin forest on both sides of the path.
Starting points
Address: Matildanjärvi parking area, Matildanjärventie 86, Salo (pdf 4.7 Mt, and Jeturkasti parking area, Skoilantie 354, Salo (pdf 4.7 Mt,
Matildanjärvi coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 60° 12.5568' lon: 22° 56.2961' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6681645 E: 274978
Jeturkasti coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 60° 12.0180' lon: 22° 56.1765' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6680665 E: 274806

Hiking structures 
There is a water tap in connection with the Visitor Centre at Lake Matildanjärvi. Dry toilets are located in Matildanjärvi parking area and Kariholma. The Kavanderinlahti cooking shelter and a rental lakeside sauna are located close to the Matildanjärvi parking area. 

Jeturkasti shore stone field, i.e. ancient shoreline.

Trail description
Trail markings: orange. 
Recommended hiking direction: clockwise

Jeturkasti ancient trail, 4.6 km, mainly runs in a pine forest. The trail passes over tall rocks. Hikers must cross a small mire along duckboards. Along the trail, you can see Jeturkasti, a shore stone field covering a couple of hectares. The 9,000-year-old ancient shoreline of Jeturkasti is 80 metres higher than the current sea level. 

Two cyclists sit on their bikes. They are facing each other. They are having a break. Stones of an ancient shoreline and an autumnal forest are visible in the background.

Onnelannummi trail, 4.9 km loop

Open all year round, hiking time 2.5 h.
A relatively easy trail for beginners, families and groups. 

The silence of Lake Hamarinjärvi and the pine heaths of Onnelannummi will calm even the busiest visitor.

Two hikers walk along the path away from the photographer. The path rises to a cliff.
Starting point
Address: Kirjakkala parking area, Hamarinjärventie 88, Salo (pdf 4.7 Mt,
Kirjakkala coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 60° 16.3822' lon: 22° 59.5529' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6688557 E: 278414

A parking sign in a park-like area. The text "Kirjakkala kansallispuisto Nationalpark." is written on the sign.
Hiking structures 
Campfire site by Lake Hamarinjärvi. Water tap and dry toilet are available to all at the reservable camping area. Water tap during snow-free season. Bring your own toilet paper. 

Nikkallio rock, Lake Hamarinjärvi

Trail description
Trail markings: orange. 
Recommended hiking direction: clockwise

The parking area is located near the Kirjakkala ironworks. The parking area of the National Park is clearly marked for visitors. After less than a one-kilometre walk the Onnelannummi pine heath opens up, where a reservable camping site has been built for groups. Signs lead you from Onnelannummi to the Lake Hamarinjärvi campfire site, and onwards along the shore line and via Nikkallio rock, all the way back to the parking area.

Hikers sitting around a campfire. A forest behind them.

Lake Matildanjärvi, 5.5 km loop

Open all year, hiking time 2.5 h, no winter maintenance.
A relatively easy trail for beginners, families and groups. The distance (600 m) from the Kariholma parking area to the Kariholma rest area is accessible by wheelchair and with baby prams during snow-free season. 

Regardless of whether you have wetland, forest floor or a road under your feet, you always have Lake Matildanjärvi in your sight. The beautiful lake scenery captivates visitors by changing with the seasons and the time of day. 

A hiker stands on the shore of the lake on the right, their back towards the camera. The hiker is looking at the calm lake. Autumnal forest on the opposite shore.
Starting points
Address: Matildanjärvi parking area, Matildanjärventie 86, Salo (pdf 4.7 Mt, and Mikkossuo parking area, Teijontie 552, Salo (pdf 4.7 Mt,
Matildanjärvi coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 60° 12.5568' lon: 22° 56.2961' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6681645 E: 274978
Mikkossuo coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 60° 13.2496' lon: 22° 55.7376' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6682957 E: 274534
Kariholma coordinates (recommended for people with reduced mobility): Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 60° 12.5689' lon: 22° 55.4969' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6681713 E: 274238

Hiking structures
2 cooking shelters, 2 lean-to shelters with an open campfire site, a dry toilet, one campfire site, and the Vicksbäckinlahti rental hut. Bring your own toilet paper. There is a water tap at the Visitor Centre at Lake Matildanjärvi. Located close to the Matildanjärvi parking area, you can find a rental sauna by the lake.  

Hikers eating around a wooden table. A calm lake and trees in the background.
Trail description
Trail markings: orange, wooden diamond.
Recommended hiking direction: counter-clockwise.

Lake Matildanjärvi trail, 5.5 km. The trails takes you through pine forest and mire. It runs mostly close to the lake shore. At the western end of the lake, about 600 metres of the trail pass through the village of Mathildedal. There are five maintained campsites along the trail. Vicksbäckinlahti Rental Lapp Hut, suitable for groups, is located near the northern shore of the lake.  

Hikers next to signposts in Teijo National Park. They are fooling around by leaning back to back. An autumnal forest in the background.

Other hiking trails 0–10 km
Lake Sahajärvi trail, 8.8 km loop

Hiking only in the snow-free season, hiking time 4 h.
Suitable for experienced hikers. Rocky sections along the trail and the crossing of Lake Sahajärvi with two rope-pulled ferries make the trail slightly more challenging. Before your hike, check that the ferries are running on the What’s New page.

A nice day trip for little more experienced visitors. The trail is versatile and partly challenging. 

A hand-operated cable ferry photographed from the shore.
Starting points
Address: Nenustannummi parking area, Sauruntie 647, Salo (pdf 4,7 Mt, and Laviakallio parking area, Sauruntie 910, Salo (pdf 4.7 Mt,
Nenustannummi coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 60° 14.8726' lon: 23° 01.4392' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6685645 E: 279978
Laviakallio coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 60° 15.2409' lon: 22° 58.9112' ETRS-TM35FIN N: 6686473 E: 277690

Hiking structures
Campfire site and a dry toilet by the lean-to shelter, 2 rope-pulled ferries. Bring your own toilet paper. 

The picture has been taken from the lake towards the island. A few hikers are going swimming from the cliff at the tip of the island.

Lake Sahajärvi, Nenustannummi coal pits

Trail description

Recommended hiking direction: counter-clockwise.
Trail markings: orange, wooden diamonds. 

The entire loop can be hiked only when the rope-pulled ferries are in use, i.e. during snow-free season (linkki: What’s New page). When starting from the Nenustannummi parking area, duckboards lead across the mire towards the shore of Lake Hamarinjärvi. From Lake Hamarinjärvi, the trail climbs through rocky terrain to the Laviakallio parking area. From the Laviakallio parking area, the trail continues for 700 metres, descending gently to the shore of Lake Sahajärvi. The distance travelled with a rope-pulled ferry on the northern side of Kalasuntti is approximately 70 m, and approximately 90 m on the southern side. The Kalasuntti lean-to shelter is a good place for a break. The trail curves to the southern side of Lake Sahajärvi and back to the Nenustannummi parking area. 

A trail on a flat rock runs across the picture. The rock is surrounded by forest.

Other hiking trails, over 10 km

By combining the various shorter trails and routes, you can plan hikes that cover 20–30 km and take even a couple of days. 


Customer Service

Tel. int. +358 (0)10 292 4032

Finnish Nature Centre Haltia

Tel. +358 40 163 6200

Parking Areas

Matildanjärventie 86, Salo
Hamarinjärventie 88, Salo
Teijontie 12, Salo
Teijontie 552, Salo
Skoilantie 354, Salo
Lankkerintie 288, Salo
Sauruntie 647, Salo
Talopojan Teijon tie 265, Salo
Sauruntie 910, Salo