Bothnian Bay National Park

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A snowy sea landscape and an island, there are buildings on the island. The photograph is taken from the top of a tower on the island.

The drawn emblem of Bothnian Bay national park. An arctic tern and the Siberian primrose is depicted inside the oval symbol. The text Perämeri - national park in Swedish and Finnish wraps around the outer edge of the emblem.
The wide and open waters of the Bothnian Bay invite boaters. Take a break at a fishing hut and admire the sea through its window, just like a fisherman. The plinths and the drying racks for fishing nets are signs of the life in the past, on the rugged islands in the middle of this northern sea. During the winter, the arctic sea and packed ice fascinate tourists.

Suitability: Chiefly a summer destination. Particularly suitable for boaters and hikers: you will need your own boat or boat transport. There are no special accessible services. During the winter, you can access the closest islands by skis or by snowmobile.

  #Bothnianbaynationalpark #Perämerenkansallispuisto

The area is managed by Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland.

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