Accessible Services in Isojärvi National Park

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In Isojärvi National Park, the history of cabins is combined with a nature hike through beaver territory. Because not all criteria for accessibility are met, an assistant may be needed.

Isojärvi National Park trails

Heretty accessible services

The Heretty cabin serves as the main guide point for Isojärvi National Park. Most of the trails in the park also start here.

Arriving: There are no separate accessible parking spaces in the parking area. The surface of the parking area is mainly packed gravel. However, there are potholes in many places. The terrain from the parking area to the Heretty yard is uneven, sloping and covered in loose stones in many places. The trail is at least one metre wide for its entire distance.

The summer cafe at Heretty Loggers’ Cabin. Stairs with a railing on the other side lead to the café. Movable metal access ramps are available for use on the stairs. The ramps have a lengthwise incline of 32%. The outer door is 83 cm wide and the inner door 80 cm wide. The doorways have thresholds approximately 12 cm high. If necessary, you can ask the café staff for assistance. Opening hours and contact details of the café.

Dry toilet: The dry toilet in the yard has a ramp with a 12% incline. There are handrails around the toilet seat, but there is no free space on either side. Please bring your own toilet paper. You may need your own light source in the toilet, also during daylight hours.

Information shelter and trails: There is a 17 cm high threshold in the doorway of the information shelter behind the cabin. The trails start next to the information shelter, including the demanding accessible trail at Kannuslahti.