What's Currently Happening in Linnansaari National Park
Report Seal Carcasses or seals in need of help
It is essential for the conservation of the Saimaa ringed seal that all dead seals are examined. Please, report +358 206 39 5000. More information.
The information on this page is no longer updated. See up-to-date information: Luontoon.fi.
Badger warning in Linnansaari
(Updated 14/09/2022 and 05/05/2024)
Attention to hikers in Linnansaari and especially in Sammakkoniemi! A badger used to easy food steals food from hikers in Sammakkoniemi. Don't leave any food unattended outside or in the tent! You should lift the food for example on a tree branch or somewhere higher or put it in a waterproof bag, so that the smells do not attract unwanted visitors.