What's Currently Happening in Pyhä-Luosto National Park
The hiking trail to Isokuru Gorge is closed for one day (30th October) due to maintenance work
(updated 10/24/24)
The summer hiking trail through the Isokuru Gorge will be closed for safety reasons on Wednesday 30th October 2024 due to trail maintenance and repair work. During the closure, the Karhunjuomalampi Trail cannot be used as a circle trail. The stairs going down to Isokuru from the Isokuru Campfire Hut rest area will also be closed during the work, but the rest area can still be used normally. The closure also affects the circling of the Tunturiaapa Nature Trail and the Trail to Noitatunturi.
Bacteria was no longer found from the Huttujärvi household water well
(updated 8/12/2024)
New water samples have been taken from the household water wells in Huttujärvi and Rykimäkero on 9th of July 2024. There were no bacteria found on those water samples. The previous request to boil the drinking water from the Huttujärvi household water well is no longer valid.
Parts of the old Ahvenlampi shore trail are closed – the graveled circle trail is still in use
(updated 6/28/2024)
A part of the Ahvenlampi shore trail is closed for now. The closed part is a duckboard trail following the western shore of the Ahvenlampi pond. In addition, the stairs in the northern part of the pond and the bridge connected to duckboards in the southern part of the pond are closed. The duckboards, the stairs and the bridge are in very poor condition, and the safety of them can no longer be guaranteed.
The Ahvenlampi cooking shelter and the dry toilet are normally in use for visitors. It is still possible to hike around the Ahvenlampi pond along the graveled trail that runs a little further from the shore of the pond.
In order to fish in Ahvenlampi, you need an angling permit (Ahvenlampi 3510) from Metsähallitus. Those who fish in Ahvenlampi, should note that the western shore of the Ahvenlampi pond can no longer be reached by the duckboards due to the closure of that part of the shore trail.
Trail conditions in the national park
(updated 6/12/2024)
The summer hiking trails are mostly in good condition after winter. Last spring, meltwater has caused some damage on the Pyhä-Luosto hiking trail, on the graveled section between Karhunjuomalampi and Huttuloma. The meltwater has taken gravel away from the surface of the trail, which has caused large ruts on the trail. The damage on the trail is concentrated near the Huttuloma wilderness hut. Please, be careful on this part of the Pyhä-Luosto hiking trail.
During the early part of June, the weather in Pyhä-Luosto has been unstable with alternating rains, thunderstorms and sunshine. When going on a hike, be prepared for weather conditions that can change quickly. Before making a campfire please always check whether a wildfire warning has been issued for the area. Making fire during a wilfire warning is prohibited in many campfire sites, for example in lean-to-shelters.
Key boxes are now in use at the rental wilderness huts in Pyhä-Luosto National Park
(updated 6/12/2024)
The policy of keys of rental wilderness huts in Pyhä-Luosto National Park has changed. The key is now at the hut near the entrance, inside a locked box that opens with a code. After making a reservation, the customer will receive a confirmation email with an attached file with the key code and instructions. The hut can only be used during the reserved time. The order must be paid for, and the proof of payment must be kept with the customer at the hut.
Stair construction work in Luosto is completed for the season
(updated 12/22/2023)
New stairs have been made on the hiking trail from Tikkalaavu lean-to shelter uphill towards Ukko-Luosto Scenic Hut (on the section with very steep hills). This trail is part of the Luosto Nature Hiking Trail and the Summit of Ukko-Luosto Trail. The stairs are situated next to the existing gravelled path so you do not have to use the stairs if you do not want to. Please note that there is no winter maintenance on the stairs.
Tunturiaapa bird watching tower has been taken down
(updated 10/19/2023)
The bird watching tower on Tunturiaapa Nature Trail has been demolished, as the tower was in poor condition and not safe to use anymore. The duckboards on the nature trail are also in poor condition in places, please be careful when using them.
Finished trail renovation works
(updated 2/10/2023)
In Pyhä, on Pyhä-Luosto Hiking Trail (yellow trail markings) a trail part from Karhunjuomalampi to Huttuloma has been surfaced with gravel during the summer of 2023; the surfacing works are now finished. In Luosto, the Luosto Nature Hiking Trail (green trail markings) now has new duckboards. The duckboards of the Rykimäkero Trail (red trail markings) in between Pyhä and Luosto have also been renewed as are the duckboards of the Poropolku Trail in Pyhä and Luosto-Yli-Luosto Trail in Luosto.