Services in Puurijärvi and Isosuo National Park

Customer Service and Guidance

  • Finnish Nature Centre Haltia, tel. +358 40 163 6200, info(at)

Services Offered by Enterprises and Organisations in the National Park

Meals, where to Buy and Prepare

Cafés, Restaurants and Catering Services

Campfire Sites

There are a campfire site in the National Park on the bank of Ala-Kauvatsanjoki River. There are table and benches at the campfire site.

Please note that there are no firewood at the campfire site.

Please note that lighting campfires is also forbidden at campfire sites if the wildfire warning is in effect. Check the current warnings ( This prohibition does not apply to cooking shelters or other fireplaces with a shelter and a flue.

Drinking Water

  • There is drinking water available in the nature information hut.

Waste Management

  • There are no waste-bins in the forest. Measures should be taken in advance to avoid taking unnecessary waste into the area. Biodegradable waste should be placed in a dry toilet or composter, and small amounts of clean paper and cardboard can be used as kindling in a campfire. Take all other waste out of the area.
  • Read more about Hiking without Littering.


There are dry toilets on the parking areas of Kärjenkallio and Isosuo, and near the campfire site by Ala-Kauvatsanjoki River.

Overnight Stays


  • Camping out temporarily is allowed in the vicinity of Ala-Kouvatsanjoki campfire site.

About lodging in the surrounding area, ask in the towns of Huittinen (, Kokemäki ( and Sastamala (, in Finnish)

A picnic basket on a wooden table with shrubbery and deciduous trees in the background.

Accessible Services

  • The beginning of the trail leading from Kärjenkallio parking area to the bird watching tower is accessible. At the end of the easy to travel portion of the trail there is a lookout platform. The lookout platform is 400 m from the parking area. There is an accessible toilet at Kärjenkallio parking area.

Services for Boaters

There are boat stages by the campfire place along the river Ala-Kauvatsanjoki.

A small jetty along the river Ala-Kauvatsanjoki.

Other Services in the Surrounding Areas

Customer service

Finnish Nature Centre Haltia
tel. +358 40 163 6200 