Scenic Lookout Places
- At the lookout rock near Lake Puurijärvi information shelter, you can see the lake and its surroundings.
- The bird watching tower on Kärjenkallio Rock is one of the biggest in the Nordic countries. From there you get a good view over the lake and its surroundings.
- The beginning of the trail leading from Kärjenkallio parking area to the bird watching tower is accessible. At the end of the easy to travel portion of the trail there is a lookout platform.

- There is an observation tower
- on the northern side of Isosuo Mire
- on the southern side of Puurijärvi (Mutilahti)
- on the northern side of Puurijärvi (Ahvenus)
Turf Shelter
There is an old turf shelter, a barn where you can find out about the history of peat digging.