Directions to Salla National Park

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The trail network in Salla is located to the south and east of the main road from Salla to Kemijärvi (Road 82).

Starting points for excursions

To walk the trails in Salla National Park, you can use the parking areas of Salla Wilderness Park, Sallatunturi (Ski Resort) and Sallatunturi Northern slopes.

Also see the trail starting points and the starting points of the UKK trail  (Hautajärvi–Kelloselkä).

To Salla by bus

Buses ( operate between Salla and Kuusamo, Salla and Kemijärvi, and Salla and Savukoski.

There is a bus stop at Sallatunturi between Salla and Kuusamo.

On the Salla–Kemijärvi road (Road 82), there is a bus stop at Paikanselkä, which is located about 0.5 km from the starting point of Salmijoki ravine trail.

To Kemijärvi by train

You can take a train ( as far as Kemijärvi, from where the distance to Sallatunturi is approx. 77 km. You can travel from Kemijärvi to Salla by car and also by bus. 

Salla by car

The trail starting points in Salla area are accessible by car not only from Salla but also from the direction of Kemijärvi, Kuusamo and Savukoski.

The most popular starting points in Salla area are located along the regional road from Salla to Kuusamo (Road 950). The distance from the centre of Salla village to Sallatunturi Ski Resort is around 10 km, and to Kaunisharju parking area around 14 km.

  • Parking area of Salla Wilderness Park, Hautajärventie 111. 
  • Salla Ski Resort, Revontulentie 7.
  • Kaunisharju parking area, Hautajärventie no 950. Very small, space for a few cars only. 

In addition to Sallatunturi, you can also embark on the UKK trail from Vilma forest road on the south side of Ruuhitunturi. From Salla, drive along the regional road from Salla to Kuusamo (Road 950) for around 24 km, turn west (right) at Kallunkijärvi, and drive along a forest road for around 7,5 km. Cars can be parked in a lay-by on the side of the road near the UKK trail.

Salmijoenkuru ravine can be accessed from the main road between Kemijärvi and Salla (Road 82). From the centre of Salla, drive towards Kemijärvi for around 7 km and follow the signpost to a forest road leading to Salmijoki. Stay on this road for about 5 km. Cars can be parked in a lay-by on the side of the road. The road to Salmijoenkuru ravine is not kept open regularly in winter.
You can also leave your car in the centre of Salla, from where trails lead to Sallatunturi area in summer and winter.

The distance to Salla Visitor Centre (Salla Wilderness Park) from Ruka is about 75 km and from Kuusamo about 100 km. From Kemijärvi the distance is about 80 km and from Rovaniemi about 165 km.