Hiking Trails in Salla

Two women are hiking on a rocky path at the top of the fell. A landscape of forested hills and fells can be seen in the background.

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Hiking trails 0–10 km

Kolmiloukkonen trail, 3.8 km/circle trail (with an easy gravelled trail part of 1.5 km /one way in the beginning)

In the snow-free season, hiking time approx. 2 h 
Easy trail for the first part, moderately demanding for the second part

Eskers, beautiful lakes and traces of the Ice Age in Salla National Park

Starting point
Address: Salla Visitor Centre (Salla Wilderness Park, formerly Reindeer Park/Poropuisto), Hautajärventie 111, 98900 Salla
Coordinates: WGS84 66° 44.3297', 28° 49.4223'
ETRS-TM35FIN 7403441, 580361

Hiking structures
Kolmiloukkonen lean-to shelter (on western side of the lake), Kolmiloukkosenvaara lean-to shelter (on eastern side of the lake)

Eskers, beautiful lakes and traces of the Ice Age in Salla National Park

Trail description
Trail markings: Partly marked with red squares on trees, partly unmarked

Recommended direction: anti-clockwise, but the trail can be followed in either direction.

Kolmiloukkonen is a beautiful and diverse area of eskers and small lakes in Kaunisharju, Salla National Park, with steep esker slopes shaped by the Ice Age, depressions, boulder fields and pine forests of different ages. There are two lean-to shelters on the shores of Kolmiloukkonen, one on the eastern and one on the western side of the lake. Topsakantaival, a 45-kilometre section of the UKK trail heading towards Oulanka, Hautajärvi and Aikkipetsi, leads past the lake. The Kolmiloukkonen trail circles around Kolmiloukkonen lake.

Easy gravelled trail part

The trail starts as a gravel trail in the corner closest to the Salla-Kuusamo road of Salla Visitor Centre's parking area. Hikers cross the boundary of Salla National Park around 150 metres after leaving the parking area. The gravel trail is 1.6 m in width. The trail runs over some rather steep hills, the steepest of the ascents being 25 m long with 15.5 degrees of longitudinal slope. There is lateral slope at places, mainly in the beginning of the trail. The trail initially goes through relatively young pine forests but sturdier trees are found closer to Kolmiloukkonen lake, where the trail has also less altitude differences.

Immediately before Kolmiloukkonen, there is a beautiful little pond beside the path. Kolmiloukkonen lean-to shelter (on the western shore of Kolmiloukkonen lake) is located on a small headland, with an accessible toilet on top of a mound a short distance away. From the lean-to shelter, the trail continues to the right, following the lakeshore through a pine forest. The gravelled part of the trail ends 500 m after the lean-to shelter, next to a mire. You can turn back to the starting point here, or continue for the more demanding trail part around the Kolmiloukkonen lake.

A wide, smooth trail near two small wooden buildings in a sunny forest.

Moderately demanding trail part

At the southern end of the lake the trail crosses a mire, then branches off the UKK trail to the left and continues along the shore to the north. There is no signpost at the junction after the mire, and the trail section leading back from the mire to Kolmiloukkonen lean-to shelter via Kolmiloukkosenvaara lean-to shelter is more challenging. The trail is less visible in places, and there are no trail markings or signs. Hikers soon reach Kolmiloukkosenvaara lean-to shelter (on the eastern side of the lake), which is located on a scenic headland fringed with round rocks.

The trail continues along the lakeshore and circles past the boulder field to the esker, where a narrow path branches off to the right. This 250-metre path leads to the parking area and observation site for natural phenomena of Kaunisharju. To reach it, hikers must cross the Salla-Kuusamo road. Particular care should be taken when crossing the road as there is no reduced speed limit at the crossing point. Hikers who wish to stay on the Kolmiloukkonen trail should keep going straight at this junction and stay close to the lake, this time on top of the esker. The trail comes back to Kolmiloukkonen lean-to shelter and turns right. Hikers return to Salla Visitor Centre following the same route as at the beginning.

A lake landscape with a pine forest in the background. A rocky shore and dry grasses can be seen in the forefront.

A 45-kilometre section of the UKK trail marked with red squares leads to the right from lean-to shelter 1 and past the western side of the lake towards Aikkipetsi, Hautajärvi and Oulanka. This section is called Topsakantaival.

Please note

The trail is steep and rocky in places. The trail section along the eastern and northern side of Kolmiloukkonen lake is not marked, and there are no signposts. The path is also less visible and crossed by other paths on this section. 

Visitors should bring hiking gear suitable for the weather conditions, consisting of proper hiking shoes, weatherproof clothing, spare clothes, a map, a charged phone, and enough to drink and eat. There are natural water sources along the trail, but as the water quality in them is not tested, the water should always be boiled before use. In rainy weather, we recommend rubber boots or waterproof hiking shoes, as the trail may be wet in places. You should bring matches if you intend to light a fire, and your own toilet paper.  

Taivaan tavoittelijan taival trail, 4.6 km circle trail or 1.9 km/each way

In the snow-free season, hiking time 1.5-2.5 h
Moderately demanding trail

Superb fell top views of Salla National Park and across the border to Russia from a fell top

Starting point
Address: Pohjoisrinteet (Northern slopes), Tunturikummuntie, 98900 Salla
Coordinates: WGS84 66° 46.2496', 28° 46.6856'
ETRS-TM35FIN 7406949, 578250.

Hiking structures
Iso Pyhätunturi viewing tower

Superb fell top views of Salla National Park and across the border to Russia from a fell top 

Trail description
Trail markings: blue squares on trees, on the initial section red squares on trees
Recommended direction of travel: clockwise

A hiker climbs up stairs with metal steps. A misty fell scenery in the background, there are fall colours in the trees.

Taivaan tavoittelijan taival trail leads hikers all the way up to the fell top through beautiful forests. The viewing tower on the top offers magnificent views of the old Sallatunturi fells on the Russian side, in particular: Sallatunturi, Välitunturi and Rohmoiva. The panoramic view also takes in the forests, lakes and small mires of Salla National Park.

After leaving the Pohjoisrinteet (Northern slopes) parking area, the trail initially follows the UKK trail marked with red squares for 250 metres. It crosses the boundary of Salla National Park slightly before coming to a power line and the first junction. Hikers should turn right at the junction and follow the trail marked with blue squares towards the top of Iso Pyhätunturi. The first section of the trail, which leads through an old mixed forest dominated by spruce trees, is surfaced with gravel and makes for easy walking. 

A man and a woman are walking along a gravel path through a mixed forest.

The trail becomes steeper and more challenging as it climbs higher, but steps make the going easier. Hikers finally reach the bare, rocky and exposed fell top. The tower on the top of Iso Pyhätunturi fell offers great views of the wilderness with hills and fells, as well as Salla National Park. The old Sallatunturi fells on the Russian side of the border are particularly magnificent. The view from the top also takes in commercial forests to the north. The fell vegetation on the top is very sensitive, so please stay on the marked trail.

Two hikers walk across a rocky terrain towards a wooden observation tower. There is a fell view in the background.

From the viewing tower, the journey continues along the pine trees, gently descending the fell slope. After a duckboard section the trail gradually becomes rockier, but you can have small breaks and admire the beautiful scenery over the Tunturilampi Lake. Near the forest line, the trail continues as an easy graveled path descending the fell slope, diving through a spruce forest. The trail then arrives to its last section of duckboards (approx. 500 m) until the gravel-surfaced Itärinteentie Road. The final section of the trail follows the road for about 650 m before returning back to the starting point.

Please note
The stairs have metal steps with a narrow wood covered part on the side for the dogs. There are gravelled sections, and the wettest parts of the trail are crossed along duckboards. On the circle trail, there are rocky parts so the best footwear for this trail are supportive hiking shoes. There is no campfire site or a water supply point along the trail (bring drinking water and snacks that need not be cooked). Before the trail start near the parking area, there is a dry toilet next to the ski lift of Pohjoisrinne (northern slopes).

Hangasjärvi trails, 2.6–4.5 km

In the snow-free season
Easy and moderately demanding trails

Starting point
Address: Sallatunturi Resort Centre, Revontulentie, 98900 Salla
Coordinates: WGS84 66° 45.5567', 28° 46.1984'
ETRS-TM35FIN 7405652, 577929

Address: Sallatunturin Tuvat, Hangasjärventie , 98900 Salla
Coordinates: WGS84 66° 45.3379', 28° 45.9431'
ETRS-TM35FIN 7405240

Hiking structures
Sallatunturin Tuvat lean-to shelter, Ämminpolku lean-to shelter, Hangasjärvi lean-to shelter, Hangasharju viewing tower (all maintained by the municipality of Salla)

A lean-to shelter on the lake side in a pinewood forest.

Trail description
You can follow marked trails from Sallatunturi Resort Centre towards Hangasjärvi lake. You have the choice between the 2.6-kilometre Ämminpolku trail or Hangasharju trail of 4,5 kilometres, or you can follow your nose around the dense network of paths. Hangasjärvi area treats visitors to beautiful pine forests and undulating hills. On Hangasjärvi lake, you can enjoy great views towards Ruuhitunturi fell. Hangasjärvi trails are maintained by the municipality of Salla. They are linked to Metsähallitus trails, including a path connecting Hangasjärvi lean-to shelter to the Ruuhitunturi circle trail. Hangasjärvi trails are either easy or of medium difficulty and also suitable for beginners. Bring a map to help you choose the right path at junctions.

Sallatunturin Tuvat is another popular starting place for the Hangasharju trails. Signposts and a trail with duckboards can be found on the edge of the mire.

A man and a woman are holding a child, who is looking through binoculars. There is a hill landscape in the background.

Hiking trails of over 10 km

Kaunisharju trail, 11 km, circle trail 

In the snow-free season, hiking time 3 to 4 hours.
Moderately demanding trail

Walk along eskers shaped by the Ice Age, through ancient spruce forests and past lakes and streams in Salla National Park.

Starting point
Address: Sallatunturi Resort Centre, Revontulentie, 98900 Salla
Coordinates: WGS84 66° 45.5567', 28° 46.1984'
ETRS-TM35FIN 7405652, 577929

Address: Salla Visitor Centre (Salla Wilderness Park, formerly Reindeer Park/Poropuisto), Hautajärventie 111, 98900 Salla
Coordinates: WGS84 66° 44.3297', 28° 49.4223'
ETRS-TM35FIN 7403441, 580361

Hiking structures
Kaunisharju lean-to shelter, Tunturilampi lean-to shelter 

Walk along eskers shaped by the Ice Age, through ancient spruce forests and past lakes and streams in Salla National Park

Trail description
Trail markings: blue squares on trees, partly red squares on trees (UKK trail section)
Recommended direction of travel: the trail can be followed in either direction
The Kaunisharju trail leads through a beautiful forest dominated by spruce trees, partly in Salla National Park. The trail follows the edges of the steep eskers of Kaunisharju shaped by the Ice Age, crosses several forest streams and takes in beautiful fell, mire and lake views. One section follows the UKK trail. While relatively close to the resort, it still has a wilderness atmosphere. According to legend, a hermit lived in his hiding place in Kaunisharju and stayed away from the beaten tracks.

A lake and some dry grasses can be seen against the backdrop of an esker slope.

Starting at the Resort Centre, the Kaunisharju trail follows a path leading on to the right from the information signs, turning left at the following junction after 100 metres. The trail meanders along parallel to the Salla–Kuusamo road (Road 950) almost half the way, initially along the edge of a mire through old mixed forests. Turn right at the next two junctions. Soon you cross a small stream and also the boundary of Salla National Park. In a while you come to a junction where you can turn right towards the Wilderness Park or go left towards Kaunisharju lean-to shelter and enter deeper into the National Park’s old-growth forests. The first rest stop of the trail is the lean-to shelter of Kaunisharju, which is located in a little valley with a stream and a pond. 

From the lean-to shelter, the trail starts to climb towards the denser old-growth spruce forests of Kontiokangas and the second rest stop of the trail at Tunturilampi lean-to shelter. Slightly before the lean-to shelter, the trail leaves Salla National Park. Magnificent views of Iso Pyhätunturi open up from the shores of Tunturilampi. 

Two women are seen on duckboards by a lake. They are looking at the view.

From Tunturilampi lean-to shelter the trail continues to the right through an old spruce and pine forest, following a wider ski track base. On the way back, you can select one of several alternative trails back to the Resort Centre. On a sunny evening, you can enjoy the setting sun which hits the old pine wood on a steep slope just before you reach the Resort Centre. Water is available at both rest stops on this trail, but water from natural sources must always be boiled before use.

Common cottongrass and heath spotted orchids are flowering in a mire.

You can embark on the Kaunisharju trail from the Resort Centre, in which case the distance will be 11 km, or the Wilderness Park, which will give a total length of 11.6 km. This trail was previously called Erakon polku (the Hermit’s path).

Please note
The greatest part of the trail follows a wide ski track base which has a lighted ski track in winter. The trail is uneven in places and has some slightly steeper parts, mainly in the Kaunisharju-Wilderness Park-Sallatunturi section. Kaunisharju observation site for natural phenomena is located on top of the esker on the Salla–Kuusamo road, not on this trail.

Visitors should bring hiking gear suitable for the weather conditions, consisting of proper hiking shoes, weatherproof clothing, spare clothes, a map, a charged phone, and enough to drink and eat. There are natural water sources along the trail, but as the water quality in them is not tested, the water should always be boiled before use. In rainy weather, we recommend rubber boots or waterproof hiking shoes, as the trail may be wet in places. You should bring matches if you intend to light a fire, and your own toilet paper.  

Salmijoki ravine trail, 11.5 km/one way

In snow-free season, hiking time approx. 5 h one way
Demanding trail (trail markings missing)

Experience Salmijoki ravine and its pristine forests, admire the steep rocky shores of Kalliolampi and enjoy the views from eskers

Starting point
Address: Sallatunturi Resort Centre, Revontulentie, 98900 Salla
Coordinates: WGS84 66° 45.5567', 28° 46.1984'
ETRS-TM35FIN 7405652, 577929

Address: Forest road to the direction of Salmijoki ravine and Kalliojärvi (no official parking area)
Coordinates: WGS84 66° 45.4508', 28° 34.5158'
ETRS-TM35FIN 7405225, 569363

Hiking structures
Kalliojärvi day hut, half campfire hut and campfire site of Salmijoki ravine

Experience Salmijoki ravine and its pristine forests, admire the steep rocky shores of Kalliolampi and enjoy the views from eskers

Trail description
Trail markings: partly marked with blue markers, partly with blue paint and partly with markers and paint.

Recommended direction of travel: the trail can be followed in either direction
The rugged beauty of the Salmijoki River with its old-growth spruce forests and thick-barked pines is the climax of the journey from Sallatunturi Ski Resort past Lake Kalliojärvi to the ravine. The trail takes hikers to small lakes with rocky shores and impressive eskers with great views of lakes and low-lying marshes. The trail mainly leads through commercial forests. When you approach the Salmijoki River and Vilmatunturi Nature Reserve, the old forests create a wilderness atmosphere.

Small rapids and a bridge across the river can be seen to the right. To the left there is a lean-to shelter in an old forest.

The trail starts at the Resort Centre, goes under the Salla–Kuusamo road (Road 950) and passes the holiday chalet area on its way towards Keselmämännikkö and Ruuhijoki. After crossing the Ruuhijoki River, the trail follows a path running parallel to the river and using the road in places. As you approach Kalliojärvi lake, the terrain becomes rockier and the trail runs along the edge of the rugged Kalliolampi lake. There are a few private cottages on Kalliolampi that can be glimpsed from the trail but you have to keep going to the next lake to reach the day hut. The trail leads on towards Kalliojärvi, where a day hut and a campfire site can be found. Kalliojärvi is reached by climbing some metal steps

A lake view with steep, rocky shores.

After the hut, the trail crosses a narrow strait along a bridge and continues along an esker formation. At first, the path tends to disappear under a forest road at times, and forest has recently been felled in this area. Closer to the Salmijoki River you reach the private protected area of Ruuhenlatvankangas with older trees, and splendid views of lakes and mires can be seen below the esker. Around 1.3 km before Salmijoki ravine rest stop, the trail leaves the forest road, and the boundary of Vilmatunturi Nature Reserve is crossed around 700 metres before the stop. At Salmijoki ravine you will find a half campfire hut, a campfire site and a bridge across some small but scenic rapids. Water is available at both rest stops on this trail, but water from natural sources must always be boiled before use. The trail returns along the same route.

A trail runs along an esker in a pine forest.

You can also reach Salmijoki ravine by car from Salla village along a gravel road that branches off the road leading from Salla towards Kemijärvi. This road, which is in poor condition in places (Rojula road, junction on the left about 7 km from Salla towards Kemijärvi), brings you close to the lean-to shelter in summer. The road is not drivable or kept open in winter and while road conditions are difficult, and it is closed with a barrier. The distance to Salmijoki ravine rest stop from the end of the small, bumpy and rocky dead-end road (with space for a handful of cars) is around 700 metres.

Please note
This trail requires hiking and map reading skills. The signs and trail markers are poorly visible or missing in many places, especially when you leave Sallatunturi Resort Centre. Part of the trail runs along easy roads or paths, while some sections are uneven, rocky and slightly overgrown. There are a few steeper climbs near Kalliojärvi lake and the Salmijoki River. 

Visitors should bring hiking gear suitable for the weather conditions, consisting of proper hiking shoes, weatherproof clothing, spare clothes, a map, a charged phone, and enough to drink and eat. There are natural water sources along the trail, but as the water quality in them is not tested, the water should always be boiled before use. In rainy weather, we recommend rubber boots or waterproof hiking shoes, as the trail may be very wet in places. You should bring matches if you intend to light a fire, and your own toilet paper.  

Ruuhitunturi trail, 15 km, circle trail

In the snow-free season, hiking time 5 to 6 hours.
Demanding trail due to its rockiness and climbs

Siberian spruces, lakes and distant views across the Russian border

Starting point
Address: Salla Visitor Centre (Salla Wilderness Park, formerly Reindeer Park/Poropuisto), Hautajärventie 111, 98900 Salla
Coordinates: WGS84 66° 44.3297', 28° 49.4223'
ETRS-TM35FIN 7403441, 580361

Hiking structures
Kontiolampi lean-to shelter, Hangasjärvi lean-to shelter and Ruuhitunturi day hut (all maintained by the municipality of Salla) and Ruuhitunturi viewing tower.

Siberian spruces, lakes and distant views across the Russian border

Trail description
Trail markings: Blue squares on trees and posts with blue tips, no markers in places
Recommended direction of travel: the trail can be hiked in either direction
The Ruuhitunturi trail takes you to a variety of terrains, old-growth spruce and pine woods, commercial forests, mire and lake landscapes as well as hills and fells. Views stretching all the way to Russia open out from the viewing tower on top of Ruuhitunturi fell, and Pirttivaara hill also offers magnificent panoramic views. On the slopes of Ruuhitunturi, the trail brings you through splendid pristine Siberian spruce stands, with ponds and lakes also glimpsed on the way.

The start of the trail can be found on the right-hand side of the Salla Visitor Centre’s main building. The initial section follows an unpaved road through the campfire hut area and along the esker beside Tammakkolampi lake. The trail continues along the top of Kontiokankaanharju esker and soon reaches the first rest stop, Kontiolampi lean-to shelter. The trail leads on through variable terrain and crosses a couple of streams. Before Hangasjärvi lake, the trail crosses a path leading to the Resort Centre. The last rest stop before the climb to Ruuhitunturi fell is Hangasjärvi lean-to shelter, which is located on a scenic headland. From the lean-to shelter the trail goes on across a mire and begins to climb, after a while joining a wider ski track base. 

A woman is walking across a mire along duckboards. In the background can be seen woods dominated by spruce trees.

Higher up, the trail goes through an old-growth spruce forest, and you can glimpse small mires and panoramic views across long distances through the trees. Shortly before Ruuhitunturi day hut, the trail meets the return path at a junction. Next to Ruuhitunturi day hut, there is a larger building that serves as a winter café for skiers. It also has one room available to rent. After the buildings, the trail to the top of Ruuhitunturi fell branches off to the left from a wider snowmobile track and starts climbing towards the viewing tower. This trail section is poorly marked an not very easy to see. The tower on the top offers great views in all directions, including the twin peaks of Sallatunturi fells, the larger old Sallatunturit fells on the Russian side of the border, and splendid mire landscapes to the west. 

A man and a woman are standing in a tower looking at the view.

From the top you come back the same way and turn right after the huts. The trail goes around the top of Ruuhitunturi by north and meanders down towards Pirttivaara. The last climb of the trail is in the approach to Pirttivaara, which treats hikers to panoramic views through a beautiful forest. From Pirttivaara the trail makes its way back to Salla Visitor Centre via Tammakkolampi lake. When you descend from Ruuhitunturi towards Salla Visitor Centre via Pirttivaara, there are practically no trail markings, but the path is quite clear. 

A view from a hill with fells on the horizon. There are old pine trees in the foreground and on the side.

The starting point of the Ruuhitunturi trail can be found in Salla Visitor Centre, and its total length is 13.8 km. You can also start from the Resort Centre, in which case the total length is 17.2 km.

Please note
The trail mainly follows narrow and uneven paths that are rocky in places. Some sections use a wider ski track base that has wet sections. When you descend from Ruuhitunturi towards Salla Visitor Centre via Pirttivaara, there are practically no trail markings, but the path is quite clear. There are many path and road junctions on the trail, which means that hikers need a map. There are no trail markings on the section Ruuhitunturi-Pirttivaara-Salla Visitor Centre.

Visitors should bring hiking gear suitable for the weather conditions, consisting of proper hiking shoes, weatherproof clothing, spare clothes, a map, a charged phone, and enough to drink and eat. There are natural water sources along the trail, but as the water quality in them is not tested, the water should always be boiled before use. In rainy weather, we recommend rubber boots or waterproof hiking shoes, as the trail may be wet in places. You should bring matches if you intend to light a fire, and your own toilet paper.  

Pahanojankuru trail (formerly Pahakuru Trail), 15 km, circle trail 

In the snow-free season, hiking time 4 to 5 hours.
Moderately demanding trail

See the beautiful old-growth forests, fell landscapes and steep ravines of Salla National Park

Starting point
Address: Pohjoisrinteet (Northern slopes), Tunturikummuntie, 98900 Salla
Coordinates: WGS84 66° 46.2496', 28° 46.6856'
ETRS-TM35FIN 7406949, 578250

Hiking structures
Kaippahanoja day-use hut, Pahanojankuru open wilderness hut, Kylmähete day-use hut, Tunturilampi lean-to shelter

See the beautiful old-growth forests, fell landscapes and steep ravines of Salla National Park.

Trail description
Trail markings: red squares on trees
Recommended direction of travel: clockwise

The Pahanojankuru Trail takes in nearly all of the finest sights in Salla National Park. The hiker can enjoy old-growth pine forests and moss-carpeted spruce forests as well as fell landscapes all around. There are many streams, mires and small lakes along the trail. The highlight of the trail, which offers the visitor an authentic wilderness feel, is a stay at the Pahanojankuru open wilderness hut. The Pahanojankuru Trail is also part of the UKK Trail.

The Pahanojankuru Trail starts from the starting point of Pohjoisrinteet (Northern slopes). The Salla National Park boundary is crossed just before the power line, after which the trail runs for 500 metres along the national park boundary line. The trail takes you from the slope of Iso Pyhätunturi to the Kaippahanoja day-use hut, which is the first campfire site of the Pahanojankuru Trail. There is no water point at the Kaippahanoja day-use hut.

A group of people are winding their way across a mire on duckboards.

From Kaippahanoja, the trail runs along duckboards across the slope mire and continues deeper into the forests of the national park. There are streams, mires and breathtaking scenery along the trail. The pine forest starts to turn into a spruce forest, and you can also admire stately old aspens along the way.

After hiking approximately 3.5 km, you will arrive at the Pahanojankuru (formerly Pahakuru) junction, where you can take a detour of approximately 600 metres to the Pahanojankuru open wilderness hut and campfire site at the midway point of the trail. The trail runs along the rocky banks of Pahaojankuru gorge among shield-barked pines. Nearby, you can glimpse panoramic views of the Aatsinginhauta valley through the trees.

At the Pahanojankuru campfire site, steps lead to the bottom of the gorge, where you can take water, if necessary (water from natural sources must always be boiled before use). If you would like a longer hike, you can keep going after Pahakuru and admire scenic mire ponds, the fell landscapes of the Aatsinginhauta valley and slopes of Julmoiva from the Pitkälampi Lapp hut. This is a detour that adds 3.8 km to the total distance hiking both ways. From the Pahakuru open wilderness hut, the trail backtracks for 600 metres and returns to the main trail, continuing to the left along the edge of the mire.

he thick trunk of an old pine tree surrounded by old spruces can be seen in the foreground. There is a hill landscape in the background.

The next rest stop is the Kylmähete day-use hut, which is situated on top of a small esker. Near the day-use hut is a mire pond, from which you can take water, if necessary. After the Kylmähete day-use hut, the trail continues up to the spruce forest on Tunturikumpu hill. The distant landscapes can be seen through the trees, looking out toward Iso Pyhätunturi fell and the old Sallatunturi fells on the Russian side of the border. Then, you will descend from the summit of Tunturikumpu and, after crossing a small mire, arrive at the lean-to shelter in Tunturilampi. The Salla National Park boundary is crossed just before the lean-to shelter.

From the Tunturilampi lean-to shelter, head toward the eastern and northern slopes (Itärinteet and Pohjoisrinteet on the metal signs) along a 1.5-metre wide gravel path. The trail is occasionally winding, passing through varying terrain, including views, old-growth forests and views of Iso Pyhätunturi fell. The wettest points are crossed on a 1.4 m wide cross-plank boardwalk.

After passing the eastern slopes, the hike continues along Itärinteentie road, which is a single-lane gravel road, and through an observation point for viewing natural phenomena on the eastern slopes (a lean-to shelter/half Lapp hut maintained by the municipality of Salla). After just over a kilometre of gravel road, we will return to the starting point of the northern slopes.

Alternatively, you can depart from the Salla Ski Resort (18 km) or Salla Visitor Centre (24.5 km). In this case, there are more road sections along the trail, and the trail markings vary. You should have a map with you.

Please note
The trail is wet and rocky in places, and it also has short sections with a steep climb. In rainy weather some sections may be wet.

Visitors should bring hiking gear suitable for the weather conditions, consisting of proper hiking shoes, weatherproof clothing, spare clothes, a map, a charged phone, and enough to drink and eat. There are natural water sources along the trail, but as the water quality in them is not tested, the water should always be boiled before use. In rainy weather, we recommend rubber boots or waterproof hiking shoes, as the trail may be very wet in places. You should bring matches if you intend to light a fire, and your own toilet paper.  

Aikkipetsin kierros trail, 25 km, circle trail

In the snow-free season, hiking time 7 to 8 hours.
Demanding trail due to its length and rocky paths

An excursion to a wilderness of ancient pines with peace and quiet of nature

Starting point
Address: Salla Visitor Centre (Salla Wilderness Park, formerly Reindeer Park/Poropuisto), Hautajärventie 111, 98900 Salla
Coordinates: WGS84 66° 44.3297', 28° 49.4223'
ETRS-TM35FIN 7403441, 580361

Hiking structures
Kolmiloukkonen lean-to shelter 1, Siskelilampi campfire hut, Aikkipetsi open wilderness hut, Paltsarikumpu lean-to shelter, Hevosoja lean-to shelter and Hanhivaaranlampi lean-to shelter.

An excursion to a wilderness of ancient pines with peace and quiet of nature

Trail description
Trail markings: Blue and red squares on trees
Recommended direction of travel: The trail can be hiked in either direction

The Aikkipetsi trail takes you to the wilderness far away from the busy Resort Centre and through a variety of terrains and natural environments. The most pristine wilderness on this trail section is found in Aikkipetsi and Paltsarikumpu area, while there also are commercial forests elsewhere along the trail. A number of rest stops are available on this trail.

Two hikers are carrying their rucksacks along a narrow path in an old pine forest.

The starting point of the Aikkipetsi trail is in the corner of Salla Visitor Centre’s parking area closest to the Salla-Kuusamo road. The trail crosses into Salla National Park around 150 metres after the parking area. The first section of the trail has ups and downs, and the path is slightly rocky in places. The first rest stop of the trail is Kolmiloukkonen lean-to shelter 1, which is located on a small headland. A toilet can be found on top of a mound a short distance away. After the lean-to shelter, the trail continues to the right along a smooth, needle-covered path on the lakeshore. After walking less than three kilometres you take a right turn at a junction. The trail returns to this point at the end of the loop. After around half a kilometre, the trail leaves Salla National Park and winds its way around small eskers, lakes and mires. The next rest stop is Siskelilampi campfire hut on a beautiful lake, from where the trail continues to the flanks of Ruuhitunturi fell. If you wish, at this point you can divert to the nature tower of Ruuhitunturi fell to admire the view. The distance to the tower and back is less than 5 km. After climbing over Kuusikko-Ruuhivaara hill, the trail descends through scenic esker landscapes and thick-barked pines to some small lakes. Aikkipetsi open wilderness hut is located next to a small lake with steep banks.

A woman is carrying some firewood in her arms with her back to the camera. A day hut can be seen in the background.

At the open wilderness hut the trail divides into two. The left-hand branch returns to Salla Visitor Centre, whereas the right-hand one is part of Topsakantaival, a section of the UKK trail leading to Hautajärvi and Oulanka. The trail runs along lower-lying heath forests and mires to Paltsarikumpu lean-to shelter and on to Hevosoja lean-to shelter. When approaching Hanhivaara, the trail crosses a forest road and continues along the flanks of Hanhivaara hill to Hanhivaaranlampi lean-to shelter. Slightly more than 600 metres from the lean-to shelter, the trail crosses into Salla National Park again, returning to the first junction of the initial trail section. The trail returns to Salla Visitor Centre along the shores of Kolmiloukkonen lake.

The section from the Salla Visitor Centre over Kuusikko-Ruuhivaara hill to Aikkipetsi open wilderness hut is part of the UKK trail and marked with red squares on trees. The return trail from Aikkipetsi via Paltsarikumpu and Hanhivaara is marked with blue squares. 

Please note
The trail mainly follows narrow and uneven paths that are rocky in places. Some sections may be wet. There are some path junctions on the trail, which means that hikers need a map.

Visitors should bring hiking gear suitable for the weather conditions, consisting of proper hiking shoes, weatherproof clothing, spare clothes, a map, a charged phone, and enough to drink and eat. There are natural water sources along the trail, but as the water quality in them is not tested, the water should always be boiled before use. In rainy weather, we recommend rubber boots or waterproof hiking shoes, as the trail may be wet in places. You should bring matches if you intend to light a fire, and your own toilet paper.  

Salla Summer Brochure

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