Services along Hetta - Pallas Hiking Trail

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Wilderness huts in the valley in an open mountain landscape. It's late summer.

Drinking Water

  • Drinking water is available at both ends of the trail; in Hetta at Fell Lapland Visitor Centre and in Pallas at Pallastunturi Visitor Centre.
  • All the trail's wilderness huts and campfire sites have water points.
  • The water is usually clean and safe to drink in the whole area, however, drinking water from other places than water points is at your own risk. In the vicinity of wilderness huts you should get your drinking water from the designated water point. During warm weather water should be boiled before drinking.

Waste Management

  • There are recycling points near Fell Lapland Visitor Centre and Pallastunturi Visitor Centre. Two of the trail's wilderness huts have recycling points on their grounds too. They are Pyhäkero and Sioskuru.
  • The National Park is slowly becoming a litter-free zone, which means that hikers must bring their waste out of the area with them.
  • Outdoor etiquette.

Firewood Supply

  • All wilderness huts and the Suaskuru and Rihmakuru campfire sites have ready chopped firewood at them.
  • Firewood is transported to these locations during winter by snowmobile.

Maintenance and Management


  • All wilderness huts and the Suaskuru and Rihmakuru campfire sites have dry toilets in their vicinity.


  • There is a sauna by Hannukuru open and reservable wilderness huts.
  • Sauna fee is 10 e / adult, 5 e / child (under 7 years) or for a member of a group (a group is > 10 persons).
  • Payment in advance in Pallas-Yllästunturi National Parks visitor centres. 
  • We suggest the following arrangement; women use the sauna during even-numbered hours and men during odd-numbered hours. This way everyone will get a chance to go.

Overnight Stays

Camping and Campfire Shelters

  • Camping is permitted in the vicinity of wilderness huts and campfire sites.
  • Camping is also permitted in the vicinity of the Suaskuru and Rihmakuru campfire shelters.
    • Suaskuru campfire shelter is located between the Hannukuru and Montelli wilderness huts. The campfire shelter is 5 km from Hannukuru Ravine and 7 km from Montelli.
    • Rihmakuru campfire shelter is located between Nammalakuru Ravine and Pallastunturi Visitor Centre. The campfire shelter is 3 km from Nammalakuru Ravine and 10 km from Pallas.

Open and Reservable Wilderness Huts

  • Pyhäkero open wilderness hut is located on the Hetta-Pallas Hiking Trail 7 km from Hetta and 48 km from Pallas. Beside the openwilderness hut stands Pyhäkero service hut, which usually houses a café during the spring ski season.
  • Sioskuru open and reservable wilderness hut is located on the Hetta – Pallas Trail on the bank of the River Siosjoki. The wilderness hut is 15 km from Hetta and 40 km from Pallas.
  • Tappuri open wilderness hut is located about 1 km east of the Hetta-Pallas Hiking Trail. It is on the trail leading to Ketomella on the bank of the River Marastojoki. The wilderness hut is 20 km from Hetta and 36 km from Pallas.
  • Pahakuru open wilderness hut is located on the Hetta-Pallas Hiking Trail 26 km from Hetta and 29 km from Pallas.
  • Hannukuru open and reservable wilderness huts are located on the Hetta-Pallas Trail 28 km from Hetta and 27 km from Pallas. There is a sauna in the vicinity of the wilderness huts; all hikers are welcome to use it.
  • Montelli open wilderness hut is located on the Hetta-Pallas Hiking Trail 40 km from Hetta and 15 km from Pallas. There is a trail from this wilderness hut which leads to Vuontispirtti.
  • Nammalakuru open and reservable wilderness hut is located on the Hetta-Pallas Hiking Trail on the border of the municipalities of Enontekiö and Muonio. The wilderness hut is 42 km from Hetta and 13 km from Pallas. 

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For Entrepreneurs

Tourist entrepreneurs operating in national parks or other areas managed by Metsähallitus need a cooperation agreement. A fee is charged for using the routes and service infrastructure for business activities.