The information on this page will no longer be updated. You can find the hut details in the eraluvat.fi service at Eraluvat.fi

Guidelines on using Reservable Wilderness Huts

1. Reservable huts are meant for persons who travel by foot, skis etc. but not for persons who travel with motor vehicles. Hut may be used for 1 to 2 days by persons who have reserved a bed. Using reservable huts for commercial means is only allowed with a permission from Metsähallitus.  

2. Some huts have specific guidelines in the hut´s own folder. Read the contents of each wilderness hut's own folder. It contains information on rules for the hut and instructions on how to use the equipment at the hut. The folder also contains useful information on outdoor excursions.

3. Check the condition of the hut's fireplace or wood stove before lighting a fire. Use the hut's firewood supply sparingly. If there is a gas cooker at the hut, read the instructions given for it, before using the cooker.

4. If the quality of the water at the huts water point is tested regularly this will be told in the hut's folder and there will be a statement by health authorities at the hut. We recommend that water which is not regularly tested or is taken from natural bodies of water be boiled before you drink it.

5. Do not disturb other people staying at the hut. Smoking is forbidden in huts! Find out in advance if it is allowed to bring pets in the hut. People accompanied by guide or assistance dogs have a statutory right to access all locations. This also applies to Metsähallitus huts.

6. Follow the directions for waste management and recycling. Burn only clean paper. Biodegradable waste should be left at composts or dry toilets. All other waste should be taken to the closest waste and recycling point.

7. Sign the hut's guestbook. Mark down any observations you have made as well as your next intended destination.

8. Before leaving make sure that there is a ready supply of chopped firewood for the hut's next visitors and carry them to the designated place inside the hut. Before leaving tidy-up the hut and its surroundings. Do not leave behind any extra items, for example food lures harmful animals into the hut. Empty the water container and take care of the waste according to the instructions. If necessary, cooled ashes can be emptied into the outdoor collection site. Close all the hut's doors and windows properly!

Consider hygiene

Please, do not wash your hands or dishes in wilderness huts' drinking water buckets or water intakes. Also, please do not fill your drinking bottle right above a drinking water bucket.

Safety Tip

There are fire alarms at wilderness huts, but we recommend to bring a 9 V battery and/or your own travel fire alarm with you.