Huttuloma Open Wilderness Hut


Open wilderness hut for 6 persons. 

Location, Maps and Description

Eastern Lapland, Municipality of Pelkosenniemi, Pyhä-Luosto National Park

Huttuloma, coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 67° 01.7208' lon: 27° 03.9901'  ETRS-TM35FIN: N: 7434578 E: 502896

The wilderness hut is situated along the Pyhä-Luosto Hiking Trail, 1 km east of Lake Huttujärvi.

Pyhä Luosto tunturikartta, Pyhä-Luosto Fell Map, 1:25 000, Calazo 2018
Pyhä-Luosto ulkoilukartta, Pyhä-Luosto outdoor map, 1:25 000, Karttakeskus 2020


  • Heating: a wood stove (please note it will take time for the hut to warm up).
  • Cooking: a wood stove and basic cooking pots. Bring your own tableware and utensils.
  • Sleeping: sleeping platforms (no mattresses) for maximum 6 persons. Bring your own sleeping pad and sleeping bag.
  • Water: a water point in the yard (boil before consumption). The water point may freeze during winter.
  • Other facilities: in the yard there is a woodshed, a cooking shelter and a dry toilet (bring your own toilet paper).


  • Pets are permitted in the hut, but only in case that other visitors agree with it.
  • Bring a head torch or a flashlight with you.
  • Bring your own first-aid kit.
  • Huttujärventie road does not have winter maintenance! In winter, the easiest way to get to the hut is by skiing (from week 8 onwards by the maintained cross country ski track) or snowshoeing.
  • Tidy up the hut after you and leave some firewood and kindling for the next guests.
  • Safety on hiking

Waste Management

Each visitor is responsible for taking their own waste from the hut. Read more about Hiking Without Littering.

Maintenance and Management

Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland. For questions or feedback contact Pyhä-Luosto Visitor Centre Naava, tel. int.
+358 206 39 7302.

Guidelines on Using Open Wilderness Huts

Read Guidelines on Using Open Wilderness Huts.

Outdoor Etiquette

A cartoon picture of a family walking on a summer path.

1. Respect nature.

2. Mainly use marked trails.

3. Camp only where it is allowed.

4. Light your campfire only where it is allowed.

5. Do not litter.

Read more